10th Class Mathematics Real Numbers Question Bank MCQs - Real Numbers

  • question_answer
                Two positive numbers have their HCF as 12 and their product as 6336. The number of pairs possible for the numbers, is:

    A) 2

    B) 3

    C) 4

    D) 5

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    Sol.      [a] Let the numbers be \[12x\] and \[12y\] where x and y are co-primes.
    Product of these numbers \[=144\,xy\]
    Hence,  \[144xy=6336\,\,\Rightarrow \,\,\,xy=44\]               
    Since. 44 can be written as the product of two factors in three ways. i.e., \[1\times 44,\]\[2\times 22,\]\[4\times 11.\]As x and y are coprime.so \[(x,y)\] can be \[(1,\,44)\]or \[(4,11)\]but not \[(2,22)\].             
    Hence, two possible pairs exist.                  

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