10th Class Mathematics Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Question Bank MCQs - Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables

  • question_answer
    \[ax+by+c=0\] where a, b, c are real numbers is called a Linear equation in two variables x and y if:

    A) \[a\ne b\]

    B) \[{{a}^{2}}={{b}^{2}}\]

    C) \[{{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}}=0\]

    D) \[{{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}}\ne 0\]

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] \[{{a}^{2}}+{{b}^{2}}\ne 0\] if \[a=0\] and \[b=0\]. For        \[ax+by+c=0\] to be a linear equation in two variables, and b are simultaneously not equal to zero.

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