"Those who prepare green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire, victory with no survivors, would put on clean clothes and walk about with their brothers in the shade, doing nothing. |
On the basis of the extract, Choose the option that correctly identifies which statements are fact and which are opinion: |
(i) The lack of wars would not promote brotherhood unless people are not selfish. |
(ii) The wars mentioned in the poem correctly points out the violent nature of man. |
(iii) Wars present a desolate picture as not man can live to enjoy life. |
(iv) The poet stands firmly against wars and in silence finds the seeds of fraternity. |
A) Fact - (i) and (ii); Opinion-(iii) and (iv)
B) Fact-(ii) and (iii); Opinion-(i) and (iv)
C) Fact-(i) and (iii); Opinion-(ii) and (iv)
D) Fact-(ii) and (iv); Opinion-(i) and (iii)
Correct Answer: A
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