12th Class Accountancy Fundamentals of Partnership Question Bank MCQs - Accounting for Partnership Firm - Fundamentals

  • question_answer
    Raj and Seema started a partnership firm on 1st July 2018. They agreed that Seema was entitled to a commission of 10% of the net profit after charging Raj's salary of Rs.2,500 per quarter and Seema's commission. The net profit before charging Raj's salary and Seema's commission for the year ended 31st March, 2019 was Rs.2,27,500. Seema's commission to be paid: -                                                                                      [CBSE 2019 C Modified]

    A) 22,750 

    B) 21,750

    C) 19,773 

    D) 20,000

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :


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