UPSC Ecology And Environment Environment Question Bank Environment Management

  • question_answer
    Which of the following are correct
    i. India has only 2.4 percent of the land area and accounts for 7-8 per cent of the recorded species of the world
    ii. In terms of species richness India ranks seventh in mammals ninth in birds and fifth in reptiles.

    A) 1                                 

    B) 2

    C) Both                            

    D) None

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    India, a mega diversity country with only 2.4 percent of the land area, accounts for 7-8 per cent of the recorded species of the world In terms of species richness. India ranks seventh in mammals, ninth in birds and fifth in reptiles. It hosts 3 biodiversity hotspots: the Western Ghats, the Himalayas and the Indo-Burma region. These hotspots have numerous endemic species.

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