SSC English Cloze Test Question Bank Cloze Test (II)

  • question_answer
    Directions: in the following questions, you have passages where some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then, fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. The feeling of insecurity among the people has increased even though there is 381 use of the paramilitary and the military. The excesses 382 by the two forces, particularly by the first, do not 383 the type of anger it should because they are seen 384 those who are trying to disintegrate the country. Even a 385 for more say in the administration is shouted down. Human rights organizations and Civil liberty activists are considered a 386 if not unpatriotic. Even the 387 cases of cruelty are not pursued by the government 388 the inquiry should 389 the forces and 390 the instrument on which it has come to depend.

    A) demand

    B) desire

    C) prayer

    D) plea

    Correct Answer: A

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