10th Class Mathematics Real Numbers Question Bank Case Based (MCQs) - Real Numbers

  • question_answer
    Direction: Q. 21 to 25
    Old age homes are mean for senior citizens who are unable to stay with their families or destitute. These old age homes have special medical facilities for senior citizens such as mobile health care systems, ambulances nurses and provision of well balanced meals.
    Himanshu, Gaurav and Gagan start preparing cards for greeting each person of an old age home on new year. In order to complete one card, they take 10, 16 and 20 min respectively.
    Based on the given time, answer the following questions:
    If all of them started together, after what time will they start preparing a new card together.

    A) 85 min

    B) 80 min

    C) 60 min

    D) 90 min

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    Sol.     The required number of minutes after which they start preparing a new card together is the LCM of 10,16 and 20 min.
    Now,    \[10=2\times 5\]
                \[20={{2}^{2}}\times 5\]
    \[\therefore \]  \[LCM(10,16,20)={{2}^{4}}\times {{5}^{1}}=16\times 5=80\]min
    So, option [b] is correct.

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