12th Class Physical Education Children And Women In Sports Question Bank Case Based MCQs - Children and Women in Sports

  • question_answer
    Direction: Q. 18 to 22
    Posture plays a very significant role in our daily activities. Correct posture means the balancing of body in accurate and proper manner. Various types of postural deformities can be identified in individuals.     (CBSE Question Bank, 2021)
    From the above given picture, the deformities seen on the left most is caused due to deficiency of

    A) Iron

    B) Calcium

    C) Vit-D

    D) Both (b) and (c)

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] The deformities seen on the left most is caused due to the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. This deformity is known as bow legged.

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