12th Class Physical Education Children And Women In Sports Question Bank Case Based MCQs - Children and Women in Sports

  • question_answer
    Direction: Q. 13 to 17
    Sheethal spent her weekend checking the health status of all the security guards of her huge gated community as a part of project work assigned by PE teachers. She found out that more than half of them have shown a significant deformity in the upper part of their vertebral column.     (CBSE Question Bank, 2021)
    The term used to define this deformity is............

    A) Lordosis

    B) Scoliosis

    C) Kyphosis

    D) Both (a) and (b)

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Kyphosis is a deformity of the spinal curvature in which there is an increase or exaggeration of a backward curve or a decrease of a forward curve.

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