12th Class Physics Magnetic Effects of Current / करंट का चुंबकीय प्रभाव Question Bank Assertion And Reason (MCQs) - Moving Charges and Magnetism

  • question_answer
    ASSERTION: Higher the range, greater is the resistance of ammeter.
    REASON: To increase the range of ammeter, additional shunt needs to be used across it.

    A) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

    B) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

    C) If assertion is true but reason is false.

    D) If both assertion and reason are false.

    E) If assertion is false but reason is true.

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    To increases the range of ammeter smaller value of shunt is used. So the resistance of ammeter will be smaller. Assertion is false and reason is true.

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