9th Class Social Science Nature Vegetation & Wildlife Question Bank 9th CBSE Social Science Nature Vegetation & Wildlife

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      Name different types of vegetation found in India and describe the vegetation of high altitudes.                          


                      The different types of vegetation found in India are (i) Tropical Evergreen or Rainforests (ii) Tropical Deciduous Forests (iii) Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs (iv) Montane Forests (v) Mangrove Forests (Tidal Forests) The type of vegetation found at the high altitudes is Montane forest type. Its features are found at high altitudes in mountainous areas. (a) There is a succession of natural vegetation belts (b) They vary with altitude as follows (i) 1000m-2000m Wet temperate forests. Evergreen broad leaf trees like oaks and chestnuts predominate here.        (ii) 1500m-3000m Temperate forests containing coniferous trees like Pine, Deodar, Silver Fir, Spruce and Cedar.  These cover mostly the Southern slopes of the Himalayas.     (iii) 3000m-3600m These are temperate grasslands.           (iv) Above 3600m Here we find Alpine vegetation. Silver fir, junipers, pines and birches are common. At even higher altitudes and with the approach of the snowline, the vegetation changes from shrubs and scrubs to alpine and grasslands.                                          Only mosses, lichens and very small shrubs grow during the very short summer, which is called Tundra type of vegetation.  

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