question_answer1) Given below are the features of different generations of computer. Which one of the following is the feature of first generation computers? 1. The power consumption was very high. 2. The computers of this generation replaced vacuum tubes with transistors. 3. The size of main memory was increased and reached about 4 megabytes. 4. The semiconductor memories replaced magnetic core memories.
question_answer2) Given below is the information about different generation of computers. Match the two columns. A B 1. 2nd generation i. It uses Artificial Intelligence. 2. 3rd generation ii. It uses Microprocessors. 3. 4th generation iii. It uses Transistors. 4. 5th generation iv. It uses Integrated Circuits.
question_answer3) Fill in the blanks: 1. ________ and __________ were 5000 times faster than the ________. 2. Model of 2nd generation computers is___________.
question_answer4) Teacher to students: The computer of second generations had smaller size, less power requirement and greater processing speed as compared to first generation computers. It had various models. Now, give me the name of few models of 2nd generation computers. Which student has given correct answer?
question_answer5) In 2nd generation computers the vacuum tube is replaced by some other device that makes them more effective. Which one of the following replaced the vacuum tube?
question_answer6) Description is given about computers of different generation. Read the statements and identify X and Y. Computer-X: The computers of X generation were relatively inexpensive, faster, more durable and reliable. One of the most important things about this computer was its lower price. Computer-Y: The Y generation computers are those computers that are used in a satellite. These computers have millions of transistors on one chip and will perform over a billion calculations in a single second.
question_answer7) Match the following: A B 1. Vacuum tube i. 1946 2. ENIAC ii. 1947 3. 3rd generation computers iii. Artificial intelligence 4. 5th generation computers iv. IBM-360 series
question_answer8) The fourth generation computers are the modern computers that you use today. These computers use very complex circuits called LSIC. What is the full form of LSIC?
question_answer9) Microprocessor is one of the indispensable parts of the computer. It is actually a ___________.
question_answer10) The fourth generation computers are the modern computers that we use now-a-day. Which one of the following is an example of 4th generation computer?
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