9th Class Science Diversity in Living Organisms

  • question_answer 61)
      Match items of column I with items of column II.
    Column I Column II
    A.  Naked seed 1.  Angiosperms
    B.  Covered seed  2.  Gymnosperms
    C.  Flagella  3.   Bryophytes
    D.  Marchantia 4.   Euglena
    E.   Mafsilea 5.  Thallophyta
    F.  Cladophora 6.  Pteridophyta
    G.  Penicillium 7.  Fungi


      The correct matching is
    Column I Column II
    A.   Naked seed Gymnospeums
    B.   Covered seed Angiosperms
    C.   Flagella Eugiena
    D.   Morchantia Bryophyta
    E.   Marsiiea Pteridophyta
    F.   Cladcphora Thallophyta
    G.   Fenicillium Fungi
    Gymnosperms (gymno-naked; sperma-seed) bear most primitive seeds which are naked and not enclosed within a fruit. Angiosperms (angio-covered; sperma-seed) bear seeds which develop inside the embryo which modifies to become fruit. Euglena is a genus of unicellular flagellate, protists. Species of Euglena are found in fresh and salt water. Pteridophyta are first land plants, having vascular tissues for e.g. fern (Marselia; Azolla, Pteris etc). Bryophyta are called amphibians of plant kingdom because they live on both land as well as water, e.g.. Marchantia (livers worts). Thailophyta (or thallus like organization) do not have well differentiated body design. e.g., Cladophora.

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