8th Class Social Science Confronting Marginalisation

  • question_answer 1)
    The poems and the song in this Unit allow you to see the range of ways in which individuals and communities express their opinions, their anger and their sorrow. In class, do the following two exercises: (a) Bring to class a poem that discusses a social issue. Share this with your classmates. Work in small groups with two or more poems to discuss their meaning as well as what the poet is trying to communicates. (b) Identify a marginalised community in your locality. Write a poem or song or draw a poster etc. to express your feelings as a member of this community.  


    (a) (Poem given on Text book page 96) The poem supports noble ideal of equality (or equality of all castes or human beings). As far as body is concerned it is unclean (or dirty) of everyone. There is a soul in everybody (of every caste). Soul is untained it is faith of Brahmins or people of upper caste. She believes that impurity of the body is born within it since the time of birth and last till it goes to tomb. She is asking the powerful social group by which the ritual the body can be pure. Everybody comes out or born from a bloody warm. This is the law of nature or glory of God. In fact, defilement prevails within body. It is polluted from within. No one is low or high. All are equal. All are human beings. (b)  Do yourself.

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