12th Class Biology Principle Of Inheritance And Variation

  • question_answer 1)
      Person having genotype  would show the blood group as AB. This is because of (a) pleiotropy                   (b) codominance              (c) segregation                  (d)incomplete dominance  


                      (b) A B 0 blood grouping in humans is an example of codominance. A B G blood groupsare controlled by gene. Gene  has three alleles,  and  and  are the dominant alleles. When and are present together, both express equally and produce the surface antigens A and B, whereas I is the recessive allele and does not produce any antigen. Pleiotropy referred the genetic effect of a single gene on multiple phenotypic traits. Incomplete dominance is a genetic term in which does not completely dominate another allele. Segregation is the separation of allele during the process of gametogenesis. This is the basis of reappearance of recessive character in F2generation.

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