12th Class Biology Evolution Of Life

  • question_answer 1)
    Try to trace the various components of human evolution (hint: brain size and function, skeletal structure, dietary preference, etc.). 


          During human evolution, ancestral human types had undergone a number of remarkable changes in their brain size (cranial cavity), skeletal features, dietary preference, etc., as shown in the following table:  
    Human type Cranial cavity Skeletal features Dietary preference
    (i) Australopithecus Proganthous, well developed supra-orbital ridges and chinless. Primarily fruit-feeder but also hunted with stones.
    (ii) Homo habilis - do – Primarily herbivorous.
    (iii) Homo erectus - do – Primarily a meat-eater.
    (iv) H. sapiens neanderthalensis - do – Primarily carnivorous.
    (v) H. sapiens fossilis   Flat forehead, no supra-orbitla ridges, chin present. Primarily carnivorous.
    (vi) H. sapiens sapiens - do – Primarily omnivorous.

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