Direction: In each of the following questions a series begins with an unnumbered figure on the extreme left. One and only one of the five lettered figures in the series does not fit into the series. The two unlabelled figures, one each on the extreme left and the extreme right, fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five lettered figures which does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.
Direction: In each of the following questions a series begins with an unnumbered figure on the extreme left. One and only one of the five lettered figures in the series does not fit into the series. The two unlabelled figures, one each on the extreme left and the extreme right, fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five lettered figures which does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.
Direction: In each of the following questions a series begins with an unnumbered figure on the extreme left. One and only one of the five lettered figures in the series does not fit into the series. The two unlabelled figures, one each on the extreme left and the extreme right, fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five lettered figures which does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.
Direction: In each of the following questions a series begins with an unnumbered figure on the extreme left. One and only one of the five lettered figures in the series does not fit into the series. The two unlabelled figures, one each on the extreme left and the extreme right, fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five lettered figures which does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.
Direction: In each of the following questions a series begins with an unnumbered figure on the extreme left. One and only one of the five lettered figures in the series does not fit into the series. The two unlabelled figures, one each on the extreme left and the extreme right, fit into the series. You have to take as many aspects into account as possible of the figures in the series and find out the one and only one of the five lettered figures which does not fit into the series. The letter of that figure is the answer.
Direction: In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the bottom should come after the problem figures on the top if the sequence were continued? Problem Figures Answer Figures
Direction: In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the bottom should come after the problem figures on the top if the sequence were continued? Problem Figures Answer Figures
Direction: In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the bottom should come after the problem figures on the top if the sequence were continued? Problem Figures Answer Figures
Direction: In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the bottom should come after the problem figures on the top if the sequence were continued? Problem Figures Answer Figures
Direction: In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the bottom should come after the problem figures on the top if the sequence were continued? Problem Figures Answer Figures