A) Abdur Rashid
B) G S Dhillon
C) P K Sahgal
D) Shah Nawaz Khan
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
[a] The Indian National Army trials (INA trials), or the Red Fort trials, were the British Indian trial by courts martial of a number of officers of the Indian National Army (INA) between November 1945 and May 1946, for charges variously for treason, torture, murder and abetment to murder during World War II. The fast, and most famous, of the approximately ten trials was held in the Red Fort in Delhi, hence they are also known as the "Red Fort trials". In total, approximately ten courts-martial were held. The first of these, and the most celebrated one, was the joint court-martial of Colonel Prem Sahgal, Colonel Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon, Major General Shah Nawaz Khan followed by the trials of Abdul Rashid, Shinghara Singh, Fateh Khan and Captain Malik Munawar Khan Awan.You need to login to perform this action.
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