A) Rajputs and other Hindus
B) Shaikhzadas
C) Turanis
D) Iranis
Correct Answer: C
Solution :
[c] The Mughal nobility was heterogenous in character as it comprised certain well-recognized racial groups such as Turanis (Central Asians), Iranis (Persians), Afghans, Shaikhzadas (Indian Muslims), Rajputs and the Deccanis (i.e. BIjapuris, Jjaiderabadis and Narathas) Chandra Bhan Brahman has given an account of this heterogenous character of the Mughal governing class towards the close of - 2 Shahjahan's reign. Amongst foreigners the two elements - Turanis and Iranis enjoyed a predominant position in Akbar's nobility. Since the ruling family was of Turani origin, Turani nobles were initially larger in number. After the dismissal of Bairam Khan a crisis developed at the court which led to the rebellion by most of the Turani nobles. Akbar introduced two new elements - Shaikhzadas (Indian Muslims) and Rajputs - as counter poise to pressure of Turani nobility. He also promoted Irani nobles to higher ranks as a reward for their loyalty during the crisis. A study shows that between 1575 and 1595, out of a total 184 nobles holding ranks of 500 zat and above, the Turanis numbered 64 (34.78%), the Iranis 47 (25.54%), the Hindustanis 34 (18.48%), and the Rajputs and other Hindus 30 (16.30%). The background of the remaining 9 is not known.You need to login to perform this action.
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