What are the Gandhian Principles incorporated in the Indian Constitution? |
(i) Efforts to be made for the development of weaker or backward sections of the society |
(ii) Prohibition on the use of intoxicating liquor except for medicinal purposes |
(iii) Organisation of village panchayats |
(iv) Establishment of cottage and small scale industries in rural areas |
A) i, ii, iv
B) i, ii, iii
C) ii, iii & iv
D) All four
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] Principles enjoined under Gandhian principles in Article 40, Article 43, Article 47 and Article 48 are some ideals of Mahatma Gandhi followed during his life time. Our constitution framers wanted to implement these ideals to fulfill his dream. The State shall take steps-? To organize village panchayats and endow them power and authority to enable them to function as unit of self-government. |
? To promote cottage industries and village industries on an individual or co-operative basis in rural areas |
? To prohibit consumption of intoxicating and injurious drinks and drugs; |
? To promote educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people particularly SCs, STs to establish social justice and equity |
? To organize agricultural and animal husbandry on modem and scientific lines; |
? To prohibit the slaughter of cows and other useful cattle; |
? To protect and improve environment and safeguard the forests and wild life of the country; |
? To protect, preserve and maintain places of national historical importance; |
? To separate the judiciary from the executive. |
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