A) Within 45 minutes of an earthquake
B) Within 30 minutes of an earthquake
C) Within 15 minutes of an earthquake
D) Within a minute of an earthquake
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
The Tsunami warning System, which has taken shape at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) in Hyderabad, will issue alerts for the killer waves within 30 minutes of an earthquakes. The Centre has been established by Ministry of Earth Sciences at a cost of Rs. 125 crore in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology, Department of Space and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. The Centre will generate and give timely advisories to the Ministry of Home Affairs for dissemination to the public for which a satellite-based virtual private network for disaster management support has been established. This network enables early warning centre to disseminate warning to the Ministry of Home Affairs, as well as to the state emergency operations centres. Scientists have installed two bottom pressure recorders (BPR), Key sensors that indicate the generation of the tsunami, off the Gujarat coast in the Arabian Sea. A set of four BPRs have already been installed in the Bay of Bengal region and were put to test on 12 September, 2007 when a massive undersea earthquake hit southern Sumatra. The 8.2 magnitude earthquake in the Southern Sumatra region triggered tsunami alert in various adjoining countries, including India.You need to login to perform this action.
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