A) Money Bills can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha at the union level, but in both Houses of Legislature at the state level
B) The time limit within, which the Upper House can return a Money Bill is 14 days in case of the Union and one month in case of states
C) In Parliament, there is no provision for joint-sitting in case of Money Bills, but there is in case State Legislatures
D) None of the above
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[c] The only information needed in this question is that there is no difference between the legislative process in Parliament or State Legislatures with regards to Money Bills. So, Money Bills can be introduced only in the lower House in both Parliament and State Legislature. The time limit within which the upper House can return a Money Bill for reconsideration is 14 days for both and there is no provision for joint-sitting with regards to Money Bill in both.You need to login to perform this action.
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