What were the effects of First Mass Strike, after the passing of amended Rowlatt Act? |
1. The masses could act now instead of verbal expression. |
2. The national movement permanently shifted the base on masses. |
3. Urban poor played an increasingly important role in the struggle from now. |
Which of the statements given above are correct? |
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 1 and 3
D) All of these
Correct Answer: D
Solution :
[d] When Gandhiji launched the First Mass Strike Movement, after the Rowlatt Act in 1919, there was a radical change in the situation Following are the effects of the movement: Masses had found a direction They could now act instead of verbal expression. From now, peasants, artisans and urban poor played an important role in the struggle. The movement base was widened and masses took the active participation in nationalist movement.You need to login to perform this action.
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