Consider the following statements about greenhouse effect. |
1. Without greenhouse effect. Earth's surface temperature would average about' \[30{}^\circ C\] colder than the present. |
2. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere. |
3. Carbon monoxide is also an important contributor of greenhouse effect. |
4. Clouds absorb and emit infrared radiation and thus add to the effect of greenhouse gases. |
Which of the statements given above are correct? |
A) 1 and 2
B) 1 and 4
C) 1, 2 and 3
D) All of these
Correct Answer: B
Solution :
[b] Some amount of greenhouse effect is necessary for sustenance of life on Earth. Without any greenhouse effect Earth's surface temperature will be \[30{}^\circ C\]colder. Water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon monoxide is short-lived in the atmosphere owing to its reactivity and solubility. Hence, it does not contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect. Clouds are the major non-gas contributor to the Earth's greenhouse effect. Clouds absorb and emit infrared radiation and thus, add to the effect of the greenhouse gases.You need to login to perform this action.
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