A) Photon gives up its energy to an electron located to the glass and armed with this extra energy. electron is able to move to a higher energy level while the photon disappears
B) Photon gives up its energy to the glass molecules, but a photon of identical energy is emitter
C) Photon doesn't interact with any electron of the glass and continues its journey until it interacts with another object
D) Photon gives up its energy to the glass molecules, but a photon of identical energy is not emitter
Correct Answer: C
Solution :
[c] There are three situations when a photon (light) falls on any material The substance absorbs the photon. This occurs when the photon gives up its energy to an electron located in the material. Armed with this extra energy, the electron is able to move to a higher energy level, while the photon disappears. The substance reflects the photon. To do this, the photon gives up its energy to the material but a photon of identical energy is emitted. The substance allows the photon to pass through unchanged known as transmission. This happens, because the photon doesn't interact with any electron and continues its journey until it interacts with another object, Transparent glass falls under the third category.You need to login to perform this action.
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