Consider the following statements regarding the various kinds of Cut Motions that are available to Parliament, while voting for the demands for grants in the budget. |
1. In a Policy Cut Motion, members can also advocate an alternative policy. |
2. Passage of Token Cut Motion leads to the reduction of the amount granted by Rs.1. |
3. Cut Motions can also be moved on the expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India, if the members feel that there is scope for economy on such expenditures. |
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct? |
A) Only 1
B) 1 and 2
C) All of these
D) None of these
Correct Answer: A
Solution :
[a] In Policy Cut motion, members not only express their disapproval of a particular policy, but can also advocate an alternative policy. Token Cut motion leads to the reduction of expenditure by Rs.100 and it is used to ventilate a specific grievance that is within the sphere of responsibility of the government. Statement 3 is incorrect because expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India are not votable in Parliament and even Cut Motions cannot be moved on them.You need to login to perform this action.
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