UPSC General Studies Sample Paper General Studies Sample Paper-4

  • question_answer
    The Non-Cooperation Movement 1920, various social groups participated in this movement.
    Consider the following facts.
    1. The Programme of "non-violent non-cooperation" included of councils, courts and schools set up by the British.
    2. The Ali Brothers, the Principle leads of the Khilafat, were arrested in September 1921.
    3. Lord Reading seemed willing to hold a round table conference with Gandhi and other Indian leaders.
    4. Throughout 1921, the tension between the Congress and the Government was steadily mounting.
    Which of the statements given above are correct?

    A)  1 and 4           

    B)  2 and 3            

    C)  1, 2 and 4                    

    D) (d) All of these

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] All statements are correct with respect to Non-Cooperation Movement. In December 1920, Congress met in the Nagpur session. This time the differenes of CR Das had melted away. He moved the main resolution of Non-Cooperation. The Al [,Brothers, the Principle leaders of the Khilafat, were arrested in September 1921. Lord Reading seemed willing to hold a round table conference with Gandhi and other leader, Gandhiji's ability to rally hundreds of thousands of common citizens towards the cause of Indian independence were first seen on a large scale throughout 1921, which aggravated tension between Congress and the Government.

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