question_answer1) Which letter appears in the word TOMATO, but does not appear in the word POTATO?
question_answer2) Identify the new word that can be formed using the letters of the given word in capitals. SPARROW
question_answer3) Pick the odd one out from the pair of letters given below.
question_answer4) In the question given below, the letters are linked in some way. Identify the relation and complete the second pair.
question_answer5) Which one of the following pairs of letters will replace the question mark (?) in the letter series given below?
question_answer6) Identify the letter which will end the first word and start the second word. LIOEST
question_answer7) Which number will replace the question mark (?) in the number pattern given below?
question_answer8) In a certain code language, if 'REASONING' is written as 'abcdefgfh' then, 'SINGER' in this code of small letters will be:
question_answer9) If X is taller than Y and Y is taller than Z but shorter than P, then who is the shortest among all?
question_answer10) In a row of 13 boys, I am fifth from right. My position from left is:
question_answer11) Which one of the following figures is different from the rest?
question_answer12) Find the odd one out.
question_answer13) Find the odd on out.
question_answer14) Identify the relationship between the pair of figures given on either side of :: and then find the missing figure.
question_answer15) What comes next in the figure pattern given below?
question_answer16) Which shape or pattern is obtained when the two shapes [a] and [b] given below are put together?
question_answer17) Which one of the following figures will replace the question mark (?) in the figure pattern given below?
question_answer18) How many triangles are there in the figure given below?
question_answer19) The number of vertices in the given cuboid is:
question_answer20) There are ____ more circles than rectangles.
question_answer21) Form a meaningful word by arranging the given numbers corresponding the letters given below: K U L C 1 2 3 4
question_answer22) Form a meaningful word from the given jumbled letters and find its category. LRIZAB
question_answer23) Find the next letter in the series given below:
question_answer24) One morning after sunrise, I was standing facing an electric pole. The shadow of the pole felt exactly to my left side. Towards which direction was I facing?
question_answer25) Four children A, B, C and D sit on a table side by side. B is to the left of D and A is right to D. C is at the extreme right. If we count from the left then, who is in the first place?
question_answer26) Find the odd one out.
question_answer27) Find the next pair of letters in the series given below:
question_answer28) Which one of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the number pattern given below?
question_answer29) In a certain code language, if BEGIN is coded as CFHJO, then how LEAST be coded in that language?
question_answer30) Pick the odd one out.
question_answer31) Find the odd one out.
question_answer32) Find the odd one out.
question_answer33) Identify the relationship between the pair of figures on either side of :: and then find the missing figure.
question_answer34) Identify the relationship between the pair of figures on either side of :: and then find the missing figure.
question_answer35) What comes next in the figure pattern given below?
question_answer36) What comes next in the figure pattern given below?
question_answer37) Which one of the following shapes is obtained when two shapes given below are joined together?
question_answer38) Identify the option with which the figure given below is formed.
question_answer39) How many triangles are there in the given figure?
question_answer40) How many circles are there in the given figure?
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