question_answer1) A's mother is the only daughter of B's father. How is B's husband related to A.
question_answer2) A is brother of B. B is the son of C. D is C's father then what is A of D ?
question_answer3) A is the father of C and D is son of B. E is brother of A. If C is sister of D, how is B related to E?
question_answer4) A and B are brothers. C and D are sisters. As son is D's brother. How is B related to C?
question_answer5) A woman introduces a man as the son of the brother of her mother. How is the man related to the woman?
question_answer6) A man said to a lady, 'Tour mother's husband's sister is my aunt". How is that lady related to that man?
question_answer7) If X is brother of the son of Y's son, how is X related to Y?
question_answer8) If B says that his mother is the only daughter Of A's mother, how is A related to B?
question_answer9) A is B's wife and C is A's sister. D is the father Of C, while E is D's son. What is the relation of E to B?
question_answer10) Pointing to a photograph, a man said, "I have no brother or sister but that man's father is my father's son". Whose photograph was it?
question_answer11) K is the brother of X, Z is the son of X, P, the daughter of K, is married to N, G and X are sisters to one another. Then state how is G related to Z.
question_answer12) A is mother of B and C. If D is husband of C, then what is A for D?
question_answer13) If F is brother of A, C is daughter of A, K is sister of F and J is brother of C, then who is uncle of J?
question_answer14) Kalyani is mother-in-law of Veena, who is sister-in-law of Ashok. Dheeraj is father of Sundeep, the only brother of Ashok. How is Kalyani related to Ashok?
question_answer15) Pointing to Manju in the photograph, Rajesh said, "She is the daughter of my grandfather's only son". How is Manju related to Rajesh?
question_answer16) Directions: From the given statement solve the following questions: (1) In a family, there is six members A, B, C, D, E and F (2) C is sister of F. (3) B is the brother of E's husband. (4) D is the father of A and grandfather of F. (5) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family. How F is related to E?
question_answer17) Directions: From the given statement solve the following questions: (1) In a family, there is six members A, B, C, D, E and F (2) C is sister of F. (3) B is the brother of E's husband. (4) D is the father of A and grandfather of F. (5) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family. Who is E's husband?
question_answer18) Directions: From the given statement solve the following questions: (1) In a family, there is six members A, B, C, D, E and F (2) C is sister of F. (3) B is the brother of E's husband. (4) D is the father of A and grandfather of F. (5) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family. Who is the mother?
question_answer19) Directions: From the given statement solve the following questions: (1) In a family, there is six members A, B, C, D, E and F (2) C is sister of F. (3) B is the brother of E's husband. (4) D is the father of A and grandfather of F. (5) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family. How many male members are there in the group?
question_answer20) Directions: From the given statement solve the following questions: (1) In a family, there is six members A, B, C, D, E and F (2) C is sister of F. (3) B is the brother of E's husband. (4) D is the father of A and grandfather of F. (5) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family. Which of the following is group of brothers?
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