4th Class Computers Science Fundamentals of Computer Working with Paint

Working with Paint

Category : 4th Class

*    Working with Paint


Paint is used for drawing and colouring. On the left hand side of the screen you see several icons in a rectangular box, called the Toolbox. Take the mouse pointer to the Pencil tool and click it. Using this Pencil you can draw whatever you want to draw in the blank space on the screen. As you draw keep the left button pressed. To make your picture colourful, you can select the desired colour from the colour palette and select the Fill with Color icon by clicking it. Click to fill the picture with the selected colour. If you wish to move a window around or to push it a little to the right, take the mouse pointer to the Title Bar, drag it (while keeping the left button pressed) and drop the window to a desired place.    


*        To save what you have drawn:

  • Click the File menu. It would pull down all the commands that it has. Select Save. A Dialog Box will appear.
  • Give a name to your file and click Save. A file name is a name that you give to a file, plus a three-letter extension. A (.) separates the name and its extension. The extension tells us what kind of file it is. For example, a Paint file has an extension .bmp. The file name then appears on the Title Bar of the window.  


*       Closing Paint

To close down Paint you can select File menu and select Close or click the close icon on the Title Bar. This will take you back to the Desktop.  


*     Shutting Down Windows  


*    Follow these steps before turning off your computer:

  • Save the running file by opening its File menu selecting the save command. After that close your file by opening once again its file menu and selecting close command.
  • Exit any running program by opening file menu and selecting exit command.
  • Click Start and select Shut down. A shut down windows dialog box appears, displaying various options-Stand by, Shut down, Restart, Restart in MS-DOS. Select the Shut down option to shut down windows.
  • Windows shuts down and displays a message-It's now safe to turn off your computer. When you see such a message, turn off your system unit and monitor.  





 Tony and Bill are exchanging their information regarding Paint application. Read their statements and select who is correct among them.

Tony: After opening paint file, a rectangular box appears on the left hand side of the screen which is known as Toolbox and contain several icons.

Bill: But, I have never seen the toolbox in the paint file. Paint file does not contain a toolbox.

(A) Tony is correct                                          

(B) Bill is correct

(C) Both are correct                                       

(D) Both are incorrect

(E) Both are partially incorrect  


Answer (A)


Correct Option:

(A) Tony has given correct information about paint application.

Incorrect Options:

(B) Bill has given incorrect information. Therefore, option (B) is incorrect.

(C) Both of them are not correct. Only Tony is correct. Therefore, option (C) is incorrect.

(D) Both of them are not incorrect. Only Bill is incorrect. Therefore, option (D) is incorrect.

(E) Tony is fully correct whereas Bill is fully incorrect. Therefore, option (E) is incorrect.    



 Before turning off the computer, you have to follow few steps. Given below are those steps and it is in jumbled form. Arrange them properly.

1. Click Start and select Shut down.

2. Windows shuts down and displays a message-It's now safe to turn off your computer.

3. Exit any running program by opening file menu and selecting exit command.

4. Save the running file by opening its File menu selecting the save command. After that close your file by opening once again it file menu and selecting close command.

(A) 1 2  3 4                                         

(B) 4  3  1 2

(C) 4 3  2 1                                       

(D) 2  3 1  4

(E) 3  2 4  1  


Answer: (b)


Correct Option:

(B) Steps in option (B) are arranged correctly.

Incorrect Options:

(A) Steps in option (A) are arranged incorrectly.

(C) Steps in option (C) are arranged incorrectly.

(D) Steps in option (D) are arranged incorrectly.

(E) Steps in option (E) are arranged incorrectly.  

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