3rd Class Science Community Eating Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Category : 3rd Class


                                                                    Animal Kingdom



Land Animals

Dog, cat, elephant, zebra, cow, etc. are the examples of land animals Animals that live on land are called land animals.


Characteristics of Land Animals

Land animals have certain characteristics that distinguish them from other animals. They are as follows:


Land animals move or crawl

Most of the land animals move or crawl in search of food and shelter. For example, lion, tiger, snake, etc. Kangaroo is an animal that hops.


Land animals do not make their own food

Land animals depend on plants or other animals for their food. For example, cow eats grass, lion eats deer and deer again eats grass etc. This is like a chain that the plants and animals form.


Food Chain


Land animals take oxygen directly from air

Land animals take oxygen directly from air and utilize it to get energy.


Land animals produce sound

Most of the land animals produce sound. For example, cat mews, dog barks, etc.


Land animals reproduce

Land animals reproduce by laying eggs or by giving birth to young ones.


Land animals have tail

Most of the land animals have tail that help them in their movement. Tail also help them to maintain the body balance. For example, lion, elephant, dog, cat, etc.


Classification of Land Animals

Land animals are divided into:

(i) Domestic animals

(ii) Wild animals


Domestic Animals

Animals that live with us are called domestic animals. For example, dog, cat, etc.


Wild Animals

Animals that live in the forest are called wild animals, .or example, lion, tiger etc.

Land animals are classified also:

(i) Milk giving animals

(ii) Draught animals


Milk Giving Animals

Animals that give us milk are called milk giving animals. For example, cow, buffalo, etc.


Draught Animals

Animal that work and carry load for us are called draught animals. For example, ox, horse, etc.

In the third category, the land animals are classified as.

(i) Herbivorous animals

(ii) Carnivorous animals

(iii) Omnivorous animals


Herbivorous Animals

Animals that eat plants are called herbivorous animals.


Carnivorous Animals

Animals that eat flesh are called carnivorous animals.


Omnivorous Animals

Animals that eat both plants and flesh are called omnivorous animals.



Animals which give birth to babies are called mammals. For example, human being, dog, whale, dolphin, etc.


Aquatic Animals

Aquatic animals live in water. For example, fish, dolphin, whale, etc. Aquatic animals also live in lakes, oceans and rivers. Some animals like tortoise, frog, etc. live both on land and in water and are called amphibians.


Classification of Aquatic Animals

Aquatic animals can be classified on the basis of:

(i) Their habitat (the kind of water they live in)

(ii) Food (the type of food they take in)


Classification on the basis of habitat:


Fresh water animals

They are the animals that live in rivers, freshwater lakes, ponds, etc. For example, fresh water fish, crab, etc.


Salt-water animals

The animals that live in seas, oceans, etc. For example, whale, shark, etc.

There are two types of aquatic animals as per their eating habits:


Herbivorous aquatic animals

These animals eat aquatic plants. For example, sea horse, parrot fish, etc.


Carnivorous aquatic animals

Carnivorous aquatic animals eat other aquatic animals. For example, shark, whale, etc.


How do Aquatic Animals Breathe?

Most of the aquatic animals breathe with the help of gills. These aquatic animals use gills to extract oxygen dissolved in water. For breathing, fish open and close their mouth to engulf water. Water passes from mouth to gills, where the oxygen is taken out from water and then it passes into the blood.

Fish breathes through gills


Some aquatic animals have lungs for breathing. They breathe air from the surface of water. Like dolphin and whale have noses on the top of their heads.

Whales have nose on their head


Reproduction in Aquatic Animals

Most of the aquatic animals lay eggs. Some aquatic animals such as whale and dolphin give birth to their young ones.



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