Number Sense and Numeration
Category : 3rd Class
Number Sense and Numeration
Everything is counted by numbers. Numbers are the symbolic representation of counted objects.
Types of Number
Natural Numbers
Counting numbers are known as natural numbers.
For example, natural numbers (N) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 .... to infinite}
Whole Numbers
Counting numbers including 0 are known as whole numbers.
For example, whole numbers (W) = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ..... to infinite}
Even Number
Numbers which are exactly divisible by 2 are called even numbers.
For example: {2, 4, 6, 8, etc.}
Odd Numbers
Numbers that are not exactly divisible by 2 and leaves remainder are called odd numbers.
For example: {1, 3, 5, 7 etc.}
Operations on Numbers
Place Value
Place value of digits of a number is their position in the number. For example, place value of 2 in 54276 is 200. Place value of 5 in 5674 is 5000.
Expanded form of numbers
Expanded form of every number is written according to the place value of digits. For example, expanded form of number\[56434=5\times 10000+6\times 1000+4\times 100+3\times 10+4\]
Face Value
Face value of every number is the number itself. For example, face value of 5 in numeral 4356 is 5 itself and face value of 4 in 4536 is 4.
Successor of every number is just after the number. For example/successor of 17 is 18. Successor of a number is obtained by adding 1 to the number.
Predecessor of every number is just before the number. For example, predecessor of 67 is 66. Predecessor of a number is obtained by subtracting 1 from the number.
Ascending Order
Arrangement of the numbers from smallest to greatest is called the ascending order of the numbers. For example, ascending order of 45, 67, 21, 34 is\[21<34<45<67\].
Descending Order
Descending order is the arrangement of numbers in decreasing order. For example, descending order of 50, 45, 23, 12, 22 is\[50>45>23>22>12\].
Rounding Counting Numbers Nearest to Ten
Rounding counting number 23763 to nearest 10 is 23760. So unit digit is mostly changed while rounding counting numbers to nearest ten. Sometimes, tens digit may also be changed. For example, rounding of 458 to nearest 10 is 460.
Arrange the following capacity of packing materials in ascending order.
Name of packing materials |
Quantity |
Bottle |
879 liters |
Pouch |
3245 milliters |
Gallon |
6795 deciliters |
Tin |
546 centiliters |
Which one of the following is correct about their ascending order?
(a) \[Pouch<Tin<Gallon<Bottle\]
(b) \[Bottle<Pouch<Tin<Gallon\]
(c) \[Tin<Gallon<Bottle<Pouch~\]
(d) All the above
(e) None of these
Answer (a)
Explanation: Since millilitres < centilitres < decilitres < litres and 1 centilitre =10 millilitres and 1 litre = 10 decilitres. Therefore, option (a) is correct.
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