2nd Class EVS Weather, Air and Water Germs in Air

Germs in Air

Category : 2nd Class

*      Germs in Air


Germs are very small or tiny organisms that can cause disease. They are so small that they creep into our bodies without being noticed and start causing troubles. Germs in the air take birth because of the air pollution.


The following are the reasons for germs in air or airborne germs:

Various kinds of smokes from industries and vehicles.

Garbage and filthy materials at improper places.

Excretions of living organisms at open spaces.

Any kind of offensive smells.

Sneezing and breath of living organisms carrying various germs.





    Which one of the following is true about germs?

(a) They have the size of an apple

(b) They have the size of an Orange

(c) They have the size of a banana

(d) They are very tiny and cannot be seen with normal eyes


Answer: (d)


Germs are very tiny and cannot be seen through normal eyes. Therefore, option (D) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.



    Germs in the air causes ______.

(a) Good health

(b) Diseases

(c) Laughter

(d) No diseases


Answer: (b)


Germs in the air causes diseases. Therefore, option (B) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.

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