1st Class EVS My Family My Family and Relatives

My Family and Relatives

Category : 1st Class

My Family and Relatives


We all live in a house with our father, mother, brother and sister. Our parents, brother and sister make our family.


Image result for family


A small family in which mother and father live with their children is known as a nuclear family. Again, in some families not only parents and children, but also their uncle, aunty their children along with grand parents live together. Such family is called a joint family.

All the members of a family generally have common surname. Brother of our father is known as paternal uncle. Brother of our mother is known as maternal uncle. Our uncle's children are our cousins. Our family is our first teacher,                            

A chart is given herewith to give you an idea of a family tree: 


Related image

Structure of family tree


If you count yourself, your mother, father, your sister and brother as a family, then other peoples shown in the diagram are your relatives. Every member of a family, whether it is a small one or a large joint family, has a very important role to play and needed by all the other members. Similarly a family has important role in the area in which it stays and other families depend on it. These families, when taken together, form a society.

The members of a family have many things in common. They look similar, talk and behave in a similar way. Some members of a family are sometimes affectionately called by a short name, which is known as pet name or nick name.

Some families follow certain practices which may not be followed by other families. Such practices are called customs of the family. Our family and relatives are the important part of our life. They help us in our physical and mental development.



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