3rd Class Computers Science Better Ways of Using Computers Social and Ethical Behaviour                

Social and Ethical Behaviour                

Category : 3rd Class

*        Social and Ethical Behaviour



Just as it is not proper to read the letters of others and use their things without permission, accessing the personal information of others on the computer also violates ethical principles. Computer Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern an individual or a group on what is acceptable behaviours while using a computer.


*      Some of the rules that the students should follow while using computers are the following:  

  • Do not use the computer to harm other users.
  • Do not use computers to steal other's information.
  • Do not access files without the permission of the owner.
  • Do not copy copyrighted software without the author's permission.
  • Always respect copyright laws and policies. Buy only licensed legal software from the vendors.
  • Respect all the privacy of others' work and intellectual property, just as you expect the same from others.
  • Do not use other user's computer resources without their permission.
  • Use the Internet ethically.
  • Manage your files and folders in an appropriate manner.
  • Delete your unwanted documents regularly, but not system files.
  • Do not lend infected floppy/CDs to your classmates and friends as there are dangers of the possibility of getting a computer virus.
  • Inform your teachers/parents about any problem while working on the system.
  • Learn ethical and appropriate behaviors pertaining to Cyber Netiquette that is when corresponding over the Internet.  





 Waugh does not know anything about the computer ethics. He asks Hamilton about computer ethics. Hamilton has given him a list of computer ethics. Read the list given below and identify which is/ are correct?

1. Do not use computers to steal other's information.

2. Do not access files without the permission of the owner.

3. Do not copy copyrighted software without the author's permission.

4. Always respect copyright laws and policies.

(A) 2 and 3                                                         

(B) 1, 2 and 4

(C) 1 and 3                                                          

(D) All of these

(E) None of these  


Answer: (B)


Correct Option:

(B) Statements 1, 2 and 3 are correct about computer ethics. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

Incorrect Options:

(A) Statement 2 is correct but statement 3 is incorrect. Therefore, option (A) is incorrect.

(C) Statement 1 is correct but statement 3 is incorrect. Therefore, option (A) is incorrect.

(D) All the given statements are not correct. Therefore, option (D) is incorrect.

(E) All the given statements are not incorrect. Therefore, option (E) is incorrect.    



 Fill in the blanks:

1. _______ is a set of moral principles that govern an individual or a group on what is acceptable behavior while using a computer.

2. ________ is a broad philosophical concept that goes beyond simple right and wrong and looks towards 'the good life'.

3. Delete your______________ documents regularly, but not_____.

(A) Laws, ethics, files, unwanted files    

(B) Computer laws, ethics, wanted, system files

(C) Computer ethics, ethics, unwanted, system files

(D) Computer laws, ethics, text file, system files

(E) Computer ethics, laws, unwanted, system files.


Answer: (C)


Correct Option:

(C) Options given in (C) are correct. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Incorrect Options:

(A) Options given in (A) are incorrect.

(B) Options given in (B) are incorrect.

(D) Options given in (D) are incorrect.

(E) Options given in (E) are incorrect.  



You Know.jpg 

  • While sending an email, typing all the text in capital letters is considered bad manners as it is equivalent to 'shouting' or 'yelling' in the computer world.  




  • Ergonomics is the science of designing the job, equipment and workplace to fit the worker,
  • Computer Ethics is a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.
  • Netiquette formed from "network etiquette" is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks.    




  • Students must practice right postures and make wise decisions regarding their use of technology to keep them safe and demonstrate that they are responsible IT citizens.
  • Resources on Net: http://www.webopedia.com
  • Related Topics : Working in the Computer Room - Chapter 4  



*         Abbreviations  

RS               -               Repetitive Strain Injury

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