Current Affairs UPSC

Our Solar System       Contents of the Chapter
  • The Moon
  • Development of Lithosphere
  • Minerals & Rocks
  • Metallic Minerals
  • Non-Metallic Minerals
  • Rocks
  • Igneous Rocks
  • Sedimentary Rocks
  • Metamorphic Rocks
  • Interior of the Earth
  • Direct Sources
  • Indirect Sources
  • Earthquake
  • Why does the earth shake?
  • Earthquake Waves
  • Propagation of Earthquake Waves
  • Emergence of Shadow Zone
  • Measuring Earthquakes
  • Structure of the Earth
    Our Solar system consists of eight planets. The nine Planet 2003 UB313 has also been recently sighted. The nebula from which our Solar system is supposed to have been formed, started its collapse and core formation some time 5-5.6 billion ago and the planets formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Our solar system consists of the sun (the star), 8 planets, 63 moons, millions of smaller bodies like asteroids and comets and huge quantity of dust-grains and gases. A light year is a measure of distance and not of time. Light travels at a speed of 300,00 km/second. Considering this, the distances the light will travel in one year is taken to be one light year. This equals to \[9.461\times 1012\]km. The mean distance between the sun and the earth is 149,598,000 km. In terms of light years, 8.311 minutes of a year. Out of the eight planets, mercury, venus, earth and mars are called as the inner planets as the lie between the sun and the belt of asteroids the other five planets are called the outer planets. Alternatively, the first four are called Terrestrial, meaning earth-like as they are made up of rock and metals, and have relatively high densities. The rest five are called Jovian or Gas Giant planets. Jovian means Jupiter- like. Most of them are much larger than the terrestrial planets and have thick atmosphere, mostly of helium and hydrogen. All the planets were formed in the same period sometime about 4.6 billion years ago. Some data regarding our solar system are given in the box below.   more...
Land Forms       Contents of the Chapter
  • Running Water
  • Youth
  • Mature
  • Old
  • Erosional landforms
  • Valleys
  • Potholes and Plug Pools
  • Incised or Entrenched Meanders
  • River Terraces
  • Alluvial Fans
  • Deltas
  • Floodplains, Natural Levees and Point Bars
  • Meanders
  • Groundwater
  • Erosional Landforms
  • Erosional Landforms
  • Depositional Landforms
  • Eskers
  • High Rocky Coasts
  • Low sedimentary coasts
  • Erosional Landforms
  • Depositional landforms
  • Erosional Landforms
    After weathering processes have had their actions on the earth materials making up the surface of the earth, the geomorphic agents like running water, ground water, wind, glaciers, waves perform erosion. Erosion causes changes on the surface of the earth. Deposition follows erosion and because of deposition too, changes occur on the surface of the earth.   A landmass passes through stages of development somewhat comparable to the stages of life-youth, mature and old age.   Running Water In humid regions, which receive heavy rainfall running water is considered the most important of the geomorphic agents in bringing about the degradation of the land surface. There are two components of running water. One is overland flow in general land surface as a sheet. Another is linear flow as streams and rivers in valleys. Most of the erosional landforms made by running water are associated with vigorous and youthful rivers flowing along gradients. With time, stream channels over steep gradients turn gentler due to continued erosion, and as a consequence, lose their velocity, facilitating active deposition. In the early stages down cutting dominates during which irregularities such as waterfalls and cascades will be removed. In the middle stages, stream cut their beds slower, and lateral erosion of valley sides becomes severe. Gradually, the valley sides are reduced to lower and lower slopes. The divides between drainage basins are likewise lowered until they are almost completely flattened leaving finally, a lowland of faint relief with some standing out here and there. This type of plain forming as a result of stream erosion is called a pen plain (an almost plain). The characteristics of each of the stages of landscapes developing in running water regimes may be summarized as follows:   Youth Streams are few during this stage with poor integration and flow over original slopes showing shallow V-shaped valleys with no floodplains or with very narrow floodplains along trunk streams. Streams divides are broad and flat with marshes, swamp and lakes. Meanders if present develop over these broad upland surfaces. These meanders may eventually themselves into the uplands. Waterfalls and rapids may exist where local rock bodies are exposed.   Mature During this stage streams are plenty with good integration. The valleys are still V-shaped but deep; trunk streams are broad enough to have wider floodplains within which streams may flow in meanders confined within the valley. The flat and broad inter stream areas and the stream divides turn sharp. Waterfalls and rapids disappear.   Old Smaller tributaries during old age are few with gentle gradients. Streams meander freely over vast floodplains showing natural levees, oxbow lakes, more...

Composition and Structure of Atmosphere       Contents of the Chapter
  • Composition and Structure of Atmosphere
  • Composition of the Atmosphere
  • Structure of the Atmosphere
  • Evaporation and Condensation
    Composition and Structure of Atmosphere Atmosphere is a mixture of different gases and it envelopes the earth all round. It contains life-giving gases like oxygen for humans and animals and carbon dioxide for plants. The air is an integral part of the earth’s mass and 99 per cent of the total mass of the atmosphere is confined to the height of 32 km from the earth’s surface3. The air is colourless and odourless and can be felt only when it blows as wind.   Composition of the Atmosphere The atmosphere is composed of gases, water vapour and dust particles. Table shows details of various gases in the air, particularly in the lower atmosphere. The proportion of gases changes in the higher layers of the atmosphere in such a way that oxygen will be almost in negligible quantity at the height of 120 kin. Similarly, carbon dioxide and water vapour are found only up to 90 km from the surface of the earth.     Constituent Formula Percentage by Volume  
  Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Distance 0.384 0.723 1.000 1.524 5.203 9.539 19.182 30.059
Density 5.44 5.245 5.517 3.945 1.33 0.70 1.17 1.66
Radius# 0.83 0.949 1.000 0.533 11.19 9.460 4.11 3.88
Satellites 0 0
Nitrogen \[{{N}_{2}}\] 78.08
Oxygen \[{{O}_{2}}\] 20.95
Argon Ar 0.93
Carbon dioxide \[C{{O}_{2}}\] 0.93
Neon Ne 0.002
Helium He 0.0005
Krypto Kr 0.001
Xenon Xe 0.00009
Hydrogen \[{{H}_{2}}\] 0.00005
  Gases: Carbon dioxide is meteorologically a very important gas as it is transparent to the incoming solar radiation but opaque to the outgoing terrestrial radiation. It absorbs a part of terrestrial radiation and reflects back some part of it towards the earth’s surface. It is largely responsible for the green house effect. The volume of other gases is constant but the volume of carbon dioxide has been rising in the past few decades mainly because of the burning of fossil fuels. This has also increased the temperature of the air. Ozone is another important component of the atmosphere found between 10 and 50 km above the earth’s surface and acts as a filter and absorbs the ultra-violet rays radiating from the sun and prevents them from reaching the surface of the earth.   Water Vapour: Water vapour is also a variable gas in the atmosphere, which decreases with altitude. In the warm and wet tropics, volume, while in the dry and more...

  MEASUREMENTS AND MOTION     MEASUREMENTS   The process of comparing an unknown physical quantity with respect to a known quantity is known as measurement. When we say that the length of our bedroom is 10 feet it implies that the bedroom is 10 times the known quantity ?foot? (feet is the plural of foot). So, measurement of any physical quantity consists of two parts - (i) a numerical value and (ii) the known quantity. The known quantity is called the unit of that physical quantity. Measurement is an integral part of physics. Physics is the foundation on which engineering, technology and other sciences are based.   PHYSICAL QUANTITIES Quantities which can be measured are called physical quantities. Velocity, acceleration, force, area, volume, pressure, etc. are some examples of physical quantities.   Kinds of Physical Quantities There are two kinds of physical quantities   Fundamental physical quantities: Fundamental physical quantities are those which do not depend on other quantities and also independent of each other. They are seven in number viz; length, mass, time, thermodynamic temperature, electric current, luminous intensity and amount of substance.   Derived physical quantities: Derived physical quantities are those which are derived from fundamental physical quantities. For example, velocity is derived from the fundamental quantities length and time, hence it is a derived physical quantity.   UNITS To measure a physical quantity it is compared with a standard quantity. This standard quantity is called the unit of that quantity. For example, to measure the length of a desk, it is compared with the standard quantity known as ?metre?. Thus, ?metre? is said to be the unit of length.   Types of Units There are two types of units:   Fundamental units: Fundamental units are those units more...

  LAWS OF MOTION, FORCE, WORK, ENERGY & POWER, CENTRE OF MASS     LAWS OF MOTION AND FORCE   Everybody in this universe stays in a state of rest i.e., no change in position of a body wrt time or of uniform motion i.e., change in position of a body wrt time. This chapter is concerned about the cause of rest or motion (i.e., force) and its effect (i.e., acceleration or deceleration) and their relationship.   NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION Newton’s First Law of Motion According to this law, an object continues in a state of rest or in ci state of motion at a constant speed along a straight line, unless compelled to change that state by a net force. In other words, if ci body is in a state of rest, it will remain in the state of rest and if it is in the state of motion, it will remain moving in the same direction with the same velocity unless an external unbalanced force is applied on it. This law is also called law of inertia. It gives qualitative definition of force.   Handy Facts A common misconception about Newton’s first law of motion is that a force is required to keep an object in motion. This is not so. Experiments done on air tracks (where there is a negligible friction) show that no force is required to keep an object moving with constant velocity. We get this misconception because friction is always present in our everyday lives.   Inertia and Mass A greater net force is required to change the velocity of some objects than of others. The net force that is just enough to cause a bicycle to pick up speed will cause an imperceptible change in the motion of a freight train. In comparison to the bicycle, the train has a much greater tendency to remain at rest. Accordingly, we say that the train has more inertia than the bicycle. Quantitatively, the inertia of an object is measured by its mass. Inertia is the natural tendency of an object to remain at rest or in motion at a constant speed along a straight line. The mass of an object is a quantitative measure of inertia. The greater the mass, the greater is the inertia of body.   Types of Inertia Inertia of rest: The tendency of the body to continue in state of rest even when some external unbalanced force is applied on it is called inertia of rest.   Science in Action
  • When a carpet is suddenly jerked the dust fly off, because due to the sudden jerk the carpet moves but the dust on account of inertia of rest is left behind.
  • The passenger standing in a bus tends to more...

  FORCE OF GRAVITY, SOLIDS & FLUIDS     FORCE PF GRAVITY     Earth attracts everybody towards itself with a force known as ‘gravity’. Due to the force of gravity the ball thrown upwards doesn’t go upwards but it falls downwards after covering some vertical distance. Actually, every object attracts every other object towards itself with a force. This force is called the gravitational force. Gravitational force is one among the four fundamental forces. It is always attractive in nature.   NEWTON'S UNIVERSAL LAW OF GRAVITATION   Newton came to the conclusion that any two objects in the Universe exert gravitational attraction on each other. Any two particles of matter anywhere in the universe attract each oilier with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, i.e., \[F\propto \frac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}\]     or      \[F=\frac{G{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{r}^{2}}}\] Here, the constant of proportionality G is known as the universal gravitational constant. It is termed a “universal constant” because it is thought to be the same at all places and all times. \[G=6.673\times {{10}^{-11}}N{{m}^{2}}/k{{g}^{2}}.\]   Handy Facts The value of universal gravitational constant, G is very small hence gravitational force is very small, unless one (or both) of the masses is huge.   Important Characteristics of Gravitational Force
  • Gravitational forces are always attractive and always acts along the line joining the two masses.
  • Gravitational force is a mutual force hence it is action-reaction force, i.e., \[{{\vec{F}}_{12}}=-{{\vec{F}}_{21}}\].
  • Value of G is small, therefore, gravitational force is weaker than electrostatic and nuclear forces.
  • Gravitational force is a central force because \[F\propto \frac{1}{{{r}^{2}}}\]
  • The gravitational force between two masses is independent of the presence of other objects and medium between the two masses.
  Importance of the Universal Law of Gravitation The universal law of gravitation successfully explained several
  • the force that binds us to the earth
  • the motion of the moon around the earth
  • the motion of planets around the Sun and
  • the tides due to the moon and the Sun.
  MASS AND WEIGHT The quantity of matter in a body is known as the mass of the body. Mass is quantitative measure of inertia. Mass is an intrinsic property of matter and does not change as an object is moved from one location to another. Weight, in contrast, is the gravitational force that the earth exerts on the object and can vary, depending on how far the object is above the earth’s surface or whether it is located near another body such as the moon. The relation between weight W and mass m \[E=\frac{G{{M}_{E}}m}{{{r}^{2}}};\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,W=mg\] As         \[{{g}_{moon}}=\frac{1}{6}{{g}_{earth}}\] therefore,             \[{{w}_{moon}}=\frac{1}{6}{{w}_{earth}}\] Inertial and Gravitational Mass The mass more...

 SOUND, OSCILLATIONS HEAT & THERMODYNAMICS     Sound is a form of energy that we hear. A vibrating object i.e., anything  that  moves  back  and  forth, to-and-fro from side to side, in and out and up and down produces sound, as the object (vibrating) has a certain amount of energy. Sound requires material medium-a solid, a liquid or a gas to travel. If there is no medium to vibrate then no sound is possible, sound cannot travel in a vacuum. Air is a poor conductor of sound compared with solids and liquids.   WAVE Due to the vibratory motion of the particles of the medium a periodic disturbance is produced in a material medium. This is called a wave. In the absence of medium solid, liquid or gas sound wave is not being propagated but light (electromagnetic) waves travel through the vacuum.   Types of Waves On the basis of the requirement of medium, waves are of two types   Mechanical Waves A mechanical wave is a periodic disturbance which requires a material medium for its propagation. The properties of these waves depend on the medium so they are known as elastic waves, such as sound-waves, water waves, waves in stretched string etc. On the basis of motion of particles the mechanical waves are classified into two parts. Transverse wave: When the particles of the medium vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave, the wave is known as the transverse wave. For example, waves produced in a stretched string, waves on the surface liquid. These waves travel in the form of crests and troughs. These waves can travel in solids and liquids only. Longitudinal wave: When the particles of the medium vibrate along the direction of propagation of the wave then the wave is known as the longitudinal wave. For example sound wave in air, waves in a solid rod produced by scribing etc. These waves travel in the form of compressions and rarefactions. These waves can travel in solids, liquids and gases.   Electromagnetic Waves The waves which do not require medium for their propagation are called electromagnetic waves. This means that these waves can travel through vacuum also. For example, light waves, X-rays, y-rays, infrared waves, radio waves, microwaves, etc. These waves are transverse in nature.   Difference between sound waves and electromagnetic waves
  • Sound waves are longitudinal whereas electromagnetic waves are transverse.
  • Sound waves travel at a speed of 340/ m/s whereas electromagnetic waves travel at a speed of3xl08 m/s
  • Sound waves do not pass through a vacuum but electromagnetic waves (light) do.
  Basic Terms Related to Sound Waves Time Period (T): Time taken in one complete vibration (full cycle) is called it's time period. Frequency (v): Frequency is defined as the number of vibrations (or oscillations) completed by a particle more...

                         ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM AND LIGHT     ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM     Electricity is the branch of physics in which we study electric charges, at rest (electrostatics or static electricity) and in motion (current electricity). When we switch on the bulb of our rooms, it glows immediately. An electric signal in a conductor travels at a speed of light in vacuum. An electric current flowing in a conductor produces a magnetic field or magnetism around it.   ELECTRIC CHARGES Charge is something associated with matter due to which it produces and experiences electric and magnetic effects. Every atom contains two types of charged particles: (i) Positive charge (Proton) and (ii) Negative charge (electron) The magnitude of elementary positive or negative charge is same and is equal to\[1.6\times {{10}^{-19}}C\]. Charge is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is ampere second or coulomb (C).   Basic Properties of Electric Charge (i) Similar charges repel and opposite charges attract. (ii) Charge is conserved i.e., the charge can neither be created nor be destroyed but it may simple be transferred from one body to other. Charge is transferable.   CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS The materials which allow electric charge (or electricity) to flow freely through them are called conductors.   The materials which do not allow electric charge to flow through them are called non-conductors or insulators.   Examples of good conductors are metals, impure water etc. Examples of insulators are quartz, glass, air, rubber, etc. Silver is the best conductors of electricity.   CLOUD FORMATION, THUNDERING AND LIGHTNING Clouds are very small droplets of water in the form of vapour. Clouds roam about in the sky with the wind. Generally, a patch of cloud develops an electric charge on it by friction. As a result of friction the upper layers of cloud (which are away from earth) get positively charged and the lower layers of cloud (which are facing earth) get negatively charged. Dry and pure water are bad conductors of electricity, hence clouds continue to carry the charge on them till the intensity of charge between the two gets too high. When two patches of cloud bearing different charges cone face to face they get attracted to one another and the electrons from negatively charged cloud jump to the positively charged cloud. The jumping of electrons between the clouds results in a big spark. The heat from the spark results in sudden expansion of air setting the air in violent waves which are heard by us as thunder. The spark is seen as a flash of lightning first and then followed by a thunder, a little later. To protect tall buildings from damage by lightning, a lightning conductor is fixed on them.   COULOMB’S LAW more...

  MODERN PHYSICS AND SOURCES OF ENERGY     MODERN PHYSICS     The basic building blocks of all the electronic circuits are the devices in which a controlled flow of electrons can be obtained. This chapter deals with the components of electronics such, as semiconductors, diodes, transistors, integrated chips. Also describes the discovery of electron, proton, and neutron and explains the latest technologies of the communication system such as Internet, Mobile Telephony etc.   STRUCTURE OF THE ATOMIC NUCLEUS An atom (size \[{{10}^{-10}}\] m) consists of a positively charged nucleus (size \[{{10}^{-15}}\]m) which is surrounded by electrons moving around it in different shells. Nucleus of an atom consists of protons and neutrons together called nucleons i.e., mass number (A) Radius of nucleus is related to mass number as \[R={{R}_{0}}{{A}^{1/3}}\] where constant \[{{R}_{0}}=1.25\times {{10}^{-15}}m\]   Electron Electron (\[{{e}^{-}}\]) was discovered by sir J.J. Thomson in 1897 when he was studying the properties of cathode rays. (i) Electrons are negatively charged particles with e/m ratio\[1.76\times {{10}^{8}}c/g\] (ii) The charge   of an   electron   was   measured by R. Millikan in oil drop experiment as \[-1.6\times {{10}^{-19}}C\] (iii) Mass of an electron is \[9.1\times {{10}^{-28}}\]gram. (iv) Electron is approximately 2000 times lighter than hydrogen   Proton In 1909. Rutherford discovered proton (\[{{P}^{+}}\]) in his gold foil \[\alpha -\] panicle scattering experiment (i) Protons are positively charged particles. (ii) The charge of a proton is +\[1.6\times {{10}^{-19}}C\](same as magnitude of an electron). (iii) Mass of a proton is \[1.672\times {{10}^{-24}}\]gram. (iv) The atomic number of an element represents the number of protons in the nucleus.   Neutron In 1932, James Chadwick discovered neutron (n). (i) Neutron is an uncharged particle. (ii) Mass of neutron is \[1.674\times {{10}^{-24}}\] gm. (iii) The mass number is the sum of number of protons and neutrons.   PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT The phenomenon of emission of electrons from the surface of metal when light of suitable frequency falls on it is called photoelectric effect. The ejected electrons are called photoelectrons and the current produced due to emitted electrons is called photocurrent   Einstein’s photoelectric equation \[\frac{1}{2}m{{v}^{2}}_{\max }=h(v-{{v}_{0}})=hc\left( \frac{1}{\lambda }-\frac{1}{{{\lambda }_{0}}} \right)=e{{V}_{S}}\] The Einstein’s photoelectric equation is in accordance with conservation of energy.   MASS ENERGY RELATION AND NUCLEAR BINDING ENERGY Einstein established the equivalence of mass and energy through a relation known as Einsteins mass-energy equivalence relation. \[E=m{{c}^{2}}\] where \[C=3\times {{10}^{8}}m/s\](speed of light in vacuum) This relation supports both the law of conservation of mass and law of conservation of energy.   Nuclear Binding Energy The energy required to break a nucleus into its constituent nucleons and place them at infinite distance is called nuclear binding energy or binding energy. This is the energy with which the nucleons are held together. The difference between the rest mass of nucleus and sum of rest masses more...

  CHEMISTRY, MATTER AND ITS COMPOSITION     CHEMISTRY AND ITS IMPORTANCE     Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes that material substances undergo.   Handy Facts New branches in chemistry are emerging because of research being carried in the quest to make life more comfortable. One good example is Green Chemistry, which deals with development of safer products and manufacturing processes for a sustainable future.   THE IMPORTANCE AND SCOPE OF CHEMISTRY Chemistry plays an important role in every aspect of our daily lives. It is a central science that connects all the other sciences and helps them to achieve what they do.   Food Science Food science is the study of the physical, biological, and chemical make-up of food and the concepts underlying food processing. The contribution of chemistry to Food Science has been manifold.   Science in Action Not all additives added to food are healthy. For example, potassium bromate (\[K{{B}_{r}}{{O}_{3}}\]) used in bread-making is an oxidizing agent that is used to ‘’mature” bread flour, which helps strengthen the dough and improve rising, giving it move volume.   Agriculture In the field of Agriculture, chemistry has provided:
  • Better understanding of the processes like photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation, etc. This has led to development of more productive plants.
  • Chemical fertilizers like urea, potash, etc. have led to increase food production helping countries to fight food shortage.
  • Insecticides, pesticides and fungicides that are used to protect crops.
  Medicine Chemistry has contributed towards the science of Medicine in a number of ways:
  • It has given life saving drugs to control dreaded diseases. For sample, cis-platin and taxol are useful in cancer therapy. AZT (Azitothymidine) is used for AIDS victims.
  • Some other categories of medicines synthesized are:
(i) Analgesics: reduce pain, e.g. paracetamol, aspirin, etc. (ii) Antibiotics: cure infections and cure many diseases, e.g. Chloromycetin, streptomycin, etc. (iii) Tranqullizers: reduce tension and bring about calm and peace to mental patients, e.g. chlorpromazine, diazepam (Valium), etc. (iv) Antiseptics: stop infection of wounds, e.g. Dettol (v) Anaesthetics: make patients senseless before surgical operations, e.g. Barbiturates, Benzodiazpines, etc.   Science in Action Chemistry is providing new materials for medical use. Diseased or weakened arteries can be replaced surgically with tubes made of Dacron polymers.   Energy The use of chemistry in the field of energy has been found contributing in:
  • Proper utilization of the fossil fuels - coal and petroleum by understanding its properties. For example, chemistry helps to measure the standard rating- octane number of engine or aviation fuel.
  • Exploitation of alternate sources of energy like solar and nuclear, etc. Chemistry helped to synthesize uranium hexafluoride making possible for the enrichment of nuclear fuel U-235. Semiconductor materials like gallium arsenide, silicon, more...

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