Current Affairs 11th Class

 (Gk. knide = nettle or stinging cell) Brief History : Peyssonel (1723) and Trembley (1744) proved these to be animals. Hence, Linnaeus (1758), Cuvier (1796) and Lamarck (1801) included these under ‘Zoophyta’, together with sponges. Leuckart (1847) included sponges and cnidarians under his phylum Coelenterata. Finally, Hatschek (1888) divided “Coelenterata” into three phyla–Spongiaria (= Porifera), Cnidaria and Ctenophora. General characters  (1) Coelenterates are radially symmetrical animals with tissue grade of body organization. (2) All the members of this phylum are aquatic, mostly marine. (3) They are solitary or colonial, sedentary or free swimming. (4) The body wall is diploblastic. It is made up of two layers of cells, namely the ectoderm and the endoderm with a non-cellular layer called mesogloea in between. (5) Cnidarians exhibit diamorphism with polypoid and medusoid stage (Metagenesis or alternation of generation). (6) Asexual phase is generally polyp and sexual phase is medusa. (7) Coelom is absent; Hence coelenterates are acoelomate animals. (8) A gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron is present. It can be compared to the gut of higher animals. (9) Mouth is present but anus is absent (blind-sac body plan). Mouth is surrounded by tentacles. (10) The most characteristic feature of coelenterates is the presence of nematocysts or stinging cells. (11) Digestion is extracellular as well as intracellular. (12) Respiratory, excretory and circulatory system are absent. (13) Primitive nervous system with synaptic or non-synaptic nerve net but no brain. (14) Sense organs are statocysts (tentaculocysts), ocelli and olfactory pits. (15) Reproduction both asexual and sexual. (16) Development is indirect as there are one or two larval forms, Planula (Obelia) and Ephyra (Aurelia). Classification of coelenterata : On the basis of the dominance of medusoid or polypoid phase in the life cycle, phylum coelenterata is divided into three classes – Class 1. Hydrozoa (Gr. hydros, water, zoios, animal) (1) Hydrozoa are solitary and fresh water or mostly colonial and marine, sessile and free-swimming forms. (2) They exhibit tetramerous or polymerous radial symmetry. (3) Body wall consists of an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm separated by a non-cellular gelatinous mesogloea. (4) Gastrovascular cavity without stomodaeum, septa or nematocysts bearing gastric filament. (5) Skeleton or horny structure is horny perisarc in some forms, while coenosarc secretes a skeleton of calcium carbonate forming massive stony structure or coral in other forms. (6) They exhibit polymorphism. There are two main types of zooids, the polyp and medusa. Medusa is provided with true muscular velum. (7) Many hydrozoa exhibit alternation of generation. (8) Reproductive products of sex cells are usually ectodermal in origin and discharged externally. (9) Cleavage is holoblastic, embryo ciliated planula. (10) Both polypoid and medusoid stages present. Examples : Hydra, Tubularia, Bougainvillea, Hydractinia, Eudendrium, Pennaria, Obelia, Sertularia, Plumularia, Companularia, Millepora, Stylaster, Geryonia, Physalia, Porpita, Velella, Pericolpa, Periphylla, Cynaea, Rhizostoma or Pilema Cassiopeia, etc.,
  • Obelia is trimorphic and marine colony.
  • Hydranth of obelia bears twenty four (24) tentacles while medusa bears sixteen (16) tentacles in addition to tentaculocysts.

 (Gk. kteis = comb; pherein = To bear) Brief History : The ctenophores as a distinct group were first recognized by Escscholtz (1829).  Hatschek (1889) placed it under a separate phylum called ctenophora. General characters (1) All the ctenophores are marine. (2) They are solitary and pelagic. (3) They are transparent. (4) The have tissue-grade of organization. (5) They have biradial symmetry. (6) They are acoelomate animals. (7) They are unsegmented. (8) They body-wall is diploblastic. (9) The mesogloea contains cells. (10) Nematocysts are absent. (11) Special adhesive cells called colloblasts are present in all ctenophores. (12) The gastrovascular system is well developed. (13) Two anal openings are present. (14) Skeletal system is absent. (15) Excretion and respiration are carried out by diffusion. (16) The nervous system is in the form of nerve net. (17) An aboral sense organ is present in the form of statocyst. (18) Cilia are used for locomotion. (19) They are hermaphrodites. (20) Development is indirect. It includes a cydippid larva. Classification of Ctenophora Class 1. Tentaculata (1) The body is simple, rounded or oval or ribbon-like. (2) Two long aboral tentacles are present. (3) Mouth is narrow and pharynx is small. Examples : Pleurobrachia, Hormiphora, Mertensia Mnemiopsis, Bolinopsis, Velamen, Cestum, Ctenoplana, Coeloplana, etc.
  • Cestum is commonly called “venus’s girdle”.
• Ctenoplana shows commensal with Alcyonea.   Class 2. Nuda (1) Body is large thimble-shaped or conical. (2) Tentacles are absent. (3) Mouth is wide and pharynx is large. (4) The meridional vessels are produced into a complex system of anastomosing branches. Example : Beroe
  • Befroe is commonly called “Swimming eye of cat”.

 (Gk. echinos = spines; derma = skin/covering) Brief History : Although Jacob Klein (1738) had earlier coined the name “Echinodermata”, yet Linnaeus included these animals under “Mollusca”, and Lamarck under his class “Radiata” as “Echinodermes”. Finally, Leuckart (1847) raised the group to the status of a separate phylum. General characters (1) Echinoderms are exclusively marine beings. (2) They are triplobalstic and coelomate (enterocoetomate) animals. (3) They have radially symmetrical body. The radial symmetry is due to sedentary or sessile mode of life and it is a secondary character in echinoderms. (4) They have organ system grade of organization. (5) They have well developed endoskeleton formed of calcareous ossicles and spines. (6) They have a water–vascular system (Ambulacral system) with tube–feet for locomotion, feeding and respiration. (7) Circulatory system is of the open–type. (8) Respiratory organs include dermal branchiae, tube feet, respiratory tree and bursae. (9) Nervous system is complex and contains both central and peripheral components, but no brain. (10) The sensory organs are poorly developed. (11) The excretory organs are absent. (12) They have pedicellariae. (13) Development is indirect. (14) The larval forms are bilaterally symmetrical. (15) Regeneration power is well developed in Echinoderms. Classification of Echinodermata : On the basis of body shape, position of madreporite and kind of larval form, echinoderms are classified into two subphylum. Subphylum (I) Eleutherozoa ­: Free-living echinoderms with ventral mouth. Class 1. Asteroidea (1) Starfishes or sea stars. (2) Arms 5 or more and not sharply marked off from the central disc. (3) Tube feet in orally placed ambulacral grooves; with suckers.   (4) Anus and madreporite aboral. (5) Pedicellariae present. (6) Free-living, slow-creeping, predaceous and scavengerous. Examples : Astropecten, Luidia, Goniaster, Oreaster (= Pentaceros), Asterina, Solaster, Pteraster, Echinaster, Asterias, Heliaster, etc. Class 2. Ophiuroidea (1) Brittle-stars and allies. (2) Body star-like with arms sharply marked off from the central disc. (3) Pedicellariae absent. (4) Stomach sac-like; no anus. (5) Ambulacral grooves absent or covered by ossicles; tube feet without suckers. (6) Madreporite oral. Examples : Ophiura, Ophiothrix, Ophioderma, Ophiopholis, Gorgonocephalus, Asteronyx. Class 3. Echinoidea (1) Body not divided into arms; globular (sea urchins), or flattened disc-like (sea-cakes). (2) Mouth at lower pole, covered by 5 strong and sharp teeth, forming a biting and chewing apparatus called “Aristotle's Lantern”. (3) Tube-feet slender with suckers. (4) Skin ossicles fused to form a rigid globular, disc like, or heart-shaped shell or test with movable spines. (5) 3–jawed pedicellariae present in skin. (6) Gut long, slenderical and coiled. Anus present. (7) Larval forms pluteus and Echinopluteus. Examples : Echinus, Clypeaster, Echinarachinus, Echinocardium, etc.
  • Members of Echinoidea are also known as Floating stone.
Class 4. Holothuroidea (1) Body massive, long and cylindrical like a cucumber; elongated in oral–aboral axis; no arms. (2) Mouth at anterior and anus at posterior ends.     (3) Mouth surrounded by many hollow retractile tentacles. (4) Tube feet usually present; sucker-like. (5) Skin more...

 (L., Mollis or Molluscus = Soft bodied) Brief History : Aristotle described a number of molluscs. Johnston (1650) proposed the name of the phylum. General characters (1) Molluscs are multicellular organisms. (2) They are  mostly marine. (3) They have a bilateral symmetry, but snails are asymmetrical. (4) They are triploblastic animals. (5) They are coelomate animals. True coelom is reduced the haemocoel is well developed in them. (6) They have organ system grade of organization. (7) The body is soft and unsegmented. (8) The soft body is covered by a fleshy fold of the body wall. It is called mantle. (9) The molluscs are provided with one or two calcareous shells. The shells may be external or internal, univalve or bivalve. (10) Respiration is carried out by the gills or pulmonary chambers. (11) The digestive system is well developed. It contains a radula and a hepatopancreas. (12) The circulatory system is of an open type. Blood with amoebocytes, respiratory pigment is copper containing haemocyanin dissolved in plasma. (13) The excretory organ is the kidney (organ of Bojanus). (14) The nervous system is well developed with paired ganglia, commissures and connectives. (15) The sensory organs are eyes, statocysts and osphradia (a chemoreceptor to test chemical nature of water). (16) Reproduction sexual. Sexes are separate in them, or they are hermaphrodites. (17) The development in their case is either direct or indirect with free larval forms like trochophore, veliger, glochidium, etc. Classification of Mollusca : On the basis of body shape and symmetry and characteristics of foot mantle, respiratory organs, nervous system, etc. phylum mollusca are divided into seven classes : Class 1. Monoplacophora (1) The body is bilaterally symmetrical and segmented. (2) The shell is formed of a single valve. (3) The head is without eyes and tentacles. (4) The gills are external and serially arranged. (5) The nephridia are five pairs. Example : Neopilina galathea
  • Neopilina is a living fossil and connecting link between Annelida and Mollusca.
Class 2. Aplacophora or Solenogasters (1) The body is worm–like, bilaterally symmetrical and cylindrical. (2) The head, mantle, foot, shell and nephridia are absent. (3) The body is covered with spicule–bearing cuticle. (4) The digestive tract is straight with radula. (5) A mid dorsal longitudinal keel or crest is often present . Example : Neomenia, Chaetoderma, etc., Class 3. Polyplacophora (1) These molluscs are bilaterally symmetrical, and dorsoventrally flattened. (2) Head small, without eyes and tentacles.     (3) The shell is composed of a longitudinal series of 8 plates. (4) The foot is flat and ventral. (5) The radula is well developed. (6) Respiration by 8 to 60 pairs of gills. (7) Unisexual; only one gonad; trochophore larval stage. Example : Chiton, Cryptochiton, etc.
  • On the dorsal surface of chiton is a convex shell composed of 8 transversely elongated calcareous plates arranged in a longitudinal manner.
Class 4. Gastropoda (1) more...

*      Introduction   The ordered collection of objects is called sequence. The sequence having specified patterns is called progression. In this chapter besides discussing about the arithmetic progression, we will also discuss about the geometric progression and arithmetic-geometric progression. The various numbers occurring in the sequence is called term of the sequence. A sequence having finite number of terms is called finite sequence, where as the sequence having infinite number of terms is called infinite sequence. The real sequence is that sequence whose range is a subset of the real number. A series is defined as the expression denoting the sum of the terms of the sequence. The sum is obtained after adding the terms of the sequence. If \[{{a}_{1}},{{a}_{2}},{{a}_{3}},---,{{a}_{n}}\] is a sequence having n terms, then the sum of the series is given by, \[\sum\limits_{n=1}^{m}{{{a}_{n}}={{a}_{1}}+{{a}_{2}}+{{a}_{3}}+----{{a}_{n}}}\]  

*      Arithmetic Progression (A.P.)     A sequence is said to be in A.P, if the difference between the consecutive terms is a constant. The difference between the consecutive terms of an AP is called common difference and any general term is called nth term of the sequence. If \[{{a}_{1}},{{a}_{2}},{{a}_{3}},---,{{a}_{n}}\] be the nth terms of the sequence in A.P., then nth terms of the sequence is given by \[{{a}_{n}}=a+\left( n-1 \right)d\], Where      'a' is the first term of the sequence                    'd' is the common difference    'n' is the number of terms of the sequence.   Sum of N-Terms of the A.P. If \[{{a}_{1}},{{a}_{2}},{{a}_{3}},---,{{a}_{n}}\] be the n terms of the sequence in A.P., then the sum of n-terms of the sequence is given \[{{S}_{n}}=\frac{n}{2}\left[ 2a+(n-1)d \right]\]   Arithmetic Mean If 'a' and 'b' are any two terms of A.P., then the arithmetic mean is given by \[AM=\frac{a+b}{2}\]   Properties of AP (a) If a constant is added or subtracted from each term of the AP sequence, then the resulting sequence is also in AP. (b) If each term of an AP sequence is multiplied or divided by a constant, then the resulting sequence is also in AP.               For a sequence in A.P., the sum of n terms of the sequence is \[2n+3{{n}^{2}}\], find the 20th term of the sequence: (a) 121                                                      (b) 112 (c) 119                                                      (d) 124 (e) None of these   Answer: (c) Explanation We have, \[{{S}_{n}}=2n+3{{n}^{2}}\] \[{{S}_{1}}=5,{{S}_{2}}=16\] Thus common difference is \[d={{S}_{2}}-2a=16-10=6\] Hence the 20th term of the sequence is \[=6\times 320-1=119\]         Find the number of odd integers starting with 15 and will give the sum as 975. (a) 25                                                        (b) 15 (c) 20                                                        (d) 30 (e) None of these   Answer: (a) Explanation Here we have a = 15 and common difference = 2 Since we know that, \[{{S}_{n}}=\frac{n}{2}\left[ 2a+(n-1)d \right]\] But \[{{S}_{n}}=975\] \[\therefore \,\,\,\frac{n}{2}\left[ 2a+(n-1)d \right]=975\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{n}{2}\left[ 2\times 15+(n-1)\times 2 \right]=975\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{n}^{2}}+14n-=975=0\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\,\,\,n=25\,\,\text{or}\,\,n=-39\] Since number of terms cannot be negative, hence n = - 39 is rejected. Therefore n = 25.         If the 15th term of an AP is 45 and 20th term is 60, and then find the 30th term of the AP. (a) 70                                                        (b) 90              (c) 110                                                      (d) 120 (e) None of these   Answer: (b) Explanation We have,              \[{{A}_{15}}=A+14d=45\]              \[{{a}_{20}}=a+19d=60\]              On solving the above equation we get, a = 3 and d = 3 Therefore, \[{{a}_{30}}=a+29d\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{a}_{30}}=3+29\times 3=90\]         If the number of different cards of different colours Thomas has are in AP. If he has cards of seven different colours in the order of VIBGYOR such that third more...

*      Geometric Progression (G.P.)   A sequence is said to be in G.P. if the ratio between the consecutive terms is constant. The sequence \[{{a}_{1}},{{a}_{2}},{{a}_{3}},---,{{a}_{n}}\] is said to be in G.P. if the ratio of the consecutive term is a constant. If 'r' is the common ratio, then the nth term of the sequence is given by \[{{a}_{n}}=a\,\,{{r}^{n-1}}\] The sum of n terms of the G.P. sequence is given by \[{{S}_{n}}=\frac{a({{r}^{n}}-1)}{r-1}If\,\,r\,>\,1\,and\,{{S}_{n}}=\frac{a(1-{{r}^{n}})}{1-r}if\,r\,>1\] Sum to infinity is a G.P. series is given by \[{{S}_{\propto }}=\frac{a}{1-r}.\]     Geometric Mean (G.M.) If 'a' and 'b' are any two terms of G.P., then the geometric mean is given by \[GM=\sqrt{ab}\]     Properties of GP (a) If each term of GP is multiplied or divided by a constant, then the resulting sequence is also in GP. (b) If each term of the GP is raised to the same power then the resulting sequence is also in GP. (c) The reciprocal of each term of GP also results in GP.             The sum of the series of the sequence given by \[\frac{2}{3},-1,\frac{3}{2},.....\]. to 5 terms is given by: (a) 0                                                          (b) \[\frac{55}{24}\] (c) \[\frac{65}{34}\]                                                            (d) \[\frac{65}{24}\] (e) None of these   Answer: (b) Explanation Since the above sequence is in GP, and first term is \[a=\frac{2}{3}\] and common ratio \[=r=-\frac{3}{2}\] The sum of n terms of GP is given by \[{{S}_{n}}=\frac{a(1-{{r}^{n}})}{1-r}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{S}_{n}}\frac{\frac{2}{3}\left\{ 1-{{\left( -\frac{3}{2} \right)}^{5}} \right\}}{1-\left( -\frac{3}{2} \right)}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{S}_{n}}\frac{4}{15}\left\{ 1+\frac{243}{32} \right\}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{S}_{n}}=\frac{55}{24}\]     Robert and James were playing a game and Robert asks James to find the three numbers which are in GP such that their sum is 19 and their product is 216. The three numbers are. (a) (4, 6, 9)                                              (b) (3, 6, 12) (c) (5, 10, 20)                                         (d) (7, 14, 28) (e) None of these                 Answer: (a) Explanation Let 'a' be the first term of the GP and V be the common ratio. Then the three terms which are in GP can be written\[as\frac{a}{r},a,ar.\]. According to question, \[\frac{a}{r}\times a\times ar=21\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,{{a}^{3}}=216\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,a=6\] Also, \[\frac{a}{r}+a+ar=19\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{6}{r}+6++6r=19\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,6{{r}^{2}}-13r+6=0\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{3}{2}or\frac{2}{3}\]     There is a sequence of numbers such that they are in GP and sum to infinite of the number of terms of the sequence is 15 and the sum of their square is 45. The first term of the sequence is given by: (a) 3                                                          (b) 5 (c) 9                                                           (d) 13 (e) None of these   Answer: (b) Explanation The sum of infinite number of terms in GP is given by \[{{S}_{\propto }}=\frac{a}{1-r}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,15=\frac{a}{1-{{r}^{2}}}----(1)\] Also the sum of square of the terms of the GP is given by, \[{{S}_{\propto }}=\frac{{{a}^{2}}}{1-{{r}^{2}}}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,45=\frac{{{a}^{2}}}{1-{{r}^{2}}}----(2)\] Solving (1) and (2) we get, a = 5     more...

*      Harmonic Progression (H.P.)     The sequence is said to be in H.P. If the reciprocal of its terms gives the A.P. It has got wide application in the field of geometry and theory of sound. The questions are generally solved by inverting the terms and using the property of arithmetic progression. Three numbers a, b, c are said to be in HP if, \[\frac{a}{c}=\frac{a-b}{a-c}\]   Harmonic Mean (HM) If 'a' and 'b' be any two terms, then their harmonic mean is given by \[HM=\frac{2ab}{a+b}\].   Relation between AM, GM, and HM Since we know that, \[AM=\frac{a+b}{2},\,\,GM=\sqrt{ab}\,and\,HM=\frac{2ab}{a+b}\] Then, \[AM\times HM=\frac{a+b}{2}\times \frac{2ab}{a\times b}=ab={{G}^{2}}\] \[AM\times HM=G{{M}^{2}}\]  Form the above relation we can say that AM > GM and GM is intermediate value between AM and HM, therefore GM > HM. Hence we can say that AM > GM > HM. Also the relation between A and G is given by, \[AM-GM=\frac{\sqrt{a}-\sqrt{b}}{\sqrt{2}}\]           The harmonic mean between two numbers is \[\frac{48}{5}\] and geometric mean is 12. The two numbers are: (a) (3 & 20)                                             (b) (2 & 12) (c) (6 & 24)                                             (d) (5 & 32) (e) None of these   Answer: (c) Explanation Let the two number be ‘a’ and ‘b’. Then, \[HM=\frac{2ab}{a+b}\,and\,GM=\sqrt{ab}\] Putting the value of HM and GM in the above relation we get, \[\frac{48}{5}=\frac{2ab}{a+b}\,and\,12=\sqrt{ab}\] On solving these two equations we get, A = 6 & b = 24     If \[{{p}^{th}}\] term of HP is equal to \[{{q}^{th}}\] and the p, then (p + q) term of the series is.  (a) \[\frac{pq}{p+q}\]                                        (b) \[\frac{p-q}{p+q}\] (c) \[\frac{p-q}{pq}\]                                         (d) \[\frac{p+q}{pq}\] (e) None of these   Answer: (a) Explanation Let 'a' and 'd' be the first term and common difference of an AP, Then the \[{{p}^{th}}\,and\,{{q}^{th}}\] term of the AP is \[{{a}_{p}}(p-1)d\,and\,{{a}_{p}}=a+(q-1)d\] For HP series the corresponding terms are, \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{1\,}{pq}=a+(p-1)d\,and\,\frac{1}{p}=a+(q-1)d\] On solving the above equation we get, \[a=\frac{1}{pq}and\,\,d=\frac{1}{pq}\] Therefore, \[{{(p+q)}^{th}}\,term\,=\frac{p+q}{pq}\] Hence \[{{(p+q)}^{th}}\,\] of the HP is given by \[\frac{pq}{p+q}\]     For any two numbers the ratio of HM : GM is 12 :13, and then the ratio of the two numbers is given by: (a) 3 : 8                                                     (b) 2 : 5 (c) 4 : 9                                                     (d) 5 : 7 (e) None of these   Answer: (c) Explanation Let the two number be 'a' and 'b'. Then, \[HM=\frac{2ab}{a+b\,}and\,GM=\sqrt{ab}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\,\frac{HM}{GM}=\frac{\frac{2ab}{a+b}}{\sqrt{ab}}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\frac{12}{13}=\frac{2\sqrt{ab}}{a+b}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\frac{13}{12}=\frac{a+b}{2\sqrt{ab}}\]                By componendo and dividendo, we get \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\frac{25}{1}=\frac{a+b+2\sqrt{ab}}{a+b-2\sqrt{ab}}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\frac{25}{1}=\frac{{{\left( \sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b} \right)}^{2}}}{{{\left( \sqrt{a}-\sqrt{b} \right)}^{2}}}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{5}{1}=\frac{\left( \sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b} \right)}{\left( \sqrt{a}-\sqrt{b} \right)}\] \[\Rightarrow \,\,\frac{a}{b}=\frac{9}{4}\]     The number of bricks arranged in a complete pyramid on a square base of side 10 units is given by. (a) 290                                                      (b) 385 (c) 425                                                      (d) 525 (e) None of these   more...

In most of the experiments, the observations of various measurements are to be combined mathematically, i.e., added, subtracted, multiplied or divided to achieve the final result. Since, all the observations in measurements do not have the same precision, it is natural that the final result cannot be more precise than the least precise measurement. The following two rules should be followed to obtain the proper number of significant figures in any calculation. (1) The result of an addition or subtraction in the number having different precisions should be reported to the same number of decimal places as present in the number having the least number of decimal places. The rule is illustrated by the following examples : (i) \[33.3\leftarrow \] (has only one decimal place)  
+ 0.313  
  36.723 \[\leftarrow \] (answer should be reported to one decimal place)
  Answer = 36.7 (ii) 3.1421
+ 0.09 \[\leftarrow \]  (has 2 decunak okaces)
  3.4731 \[\leftarrow \] (answer should be reported to 2 decimal places)
 Answer = 3.47 (iii) 62.831
  2.831 \[\leftarrow \] (has 3 decimal places)
- 24.5492  
  38.2818 \[\leftarrow \] (answer should be reported to 3 decimal places after rounding off)
 Answer = 38.282 (2) The answer to a multiplication or division is rounded off to the same number of significant figures as possessed by the least precise term used in the calculation. The rule is illustrated by the following examples : (i) 142.06
x 0.23 \[\leftarrow \] (two significant figures)
  32.6738 \[\leftarrow \] (answer should have two significant figures) 
 Answer = 33   (ii) 51.028
x 1.31 \[\leftarrow \] (three significant figures)
 Answer = 66.8   (iii) \[\frac{0.90}{4.26}=0.2112676\] Answer = 0.21    

In scientific notation the numbers are expressed as, Number \[=M\times {{10}^{x}}\]. Where M is a number lies between 1 and 10 and x is integer. Order of magnitude of quantity is the power of 10 required to represent the quantity. For determining this power, the value of the quantity has to be rounded off. While rounding off, we ignore the last digit which is less than 5. If the last digit is 5 or more than five, the preceding digit is increased by one. For example, (1) Speed of light in vacuum \[=3\times {{10}^{8}}m{{s}^{-1}}\approx {{10}^{8}}m/s\]   (ignoring 3 < 5) (2) Mass of electron \[=9.1\times {{10}^{-31}}kg\approx {{10}^{-30}}kg\]  (as 9.1 > 5).  

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