
Science and Technology : Blessing or Curse?

Category : Essays

“Advancement in Science and Technology has given man power fit for 'God' yet he can't be 'God* unless has peace of mind, inner satisfaction respect for moral, ethical and spiritual values."

Today science and technology come to play key role in almost every branch of human activity. The wondrous advancement of science and technology in different spheres has completely changed the pace of way of living of the present society. If our forefathers could rise from their grave they would be amazed and bewildered to see the present world. In the field of education, health, transportation, banking, defense, communication, the progressive use of newer scientific and technological equipment, have changed the spectrum of functioning. The gradual use of computers in all walks of life has changed the means and modes of utilizing time and energy of present society.

 Blessing: Every new invention have its merits and demerits. No invention is itself a blessing or a curse, it is its use which the human being does to make it a blessing.

The higher food production and better quality of food grains arc possible due  to rapid progress in irrigation facilities and by the use of hybrid seeds and technically very easily operable tools and machinery. Today agriculture is to a great extent free from the vagaries of nature, rain or no rain, scant rain or excess rain, in any kind of weather a good production is ensured at least in developed countries. Dependence on wind, sun for air and light has since been a matter of ancient past. Comfort by coolers, AC and light through electricity has become very common. In the field of education. the distance learning through satellite, the on line education, the progressive use of internet is also a common feature.

 Sitting in India, one can well be taught by a professor delivering lecture in USA and can also put questions with the help of technologically advanced devices.

 The mind bogging advancement in the field of communication have brought the whole world in a small room. The network of satellites, computer network, internet. have decimated all the geographical barriers and brought the world so closer that one can communicate with a person sitting at millions of miles away through video conferencing as if looking face to face.

The tremendous advancement in nuclear technology, medical science, biotechnology etc. have made almost everything possible. The forecasting of weather. surgery of brain. Heart transplantation, heart valve change, planting of every human organ including eyes limbs and every bone has made a man more than immortal. The   progress in bio-science in genetic engineering has made the man envying wilh God.  The cloning of sheep has become a reality and now researches are being made in cloning of human being.

In the field of space technology, the Moon, Mars, has since explored by the man and efforts are being made to explore the other hidden secrets o! universe. Everyday new stars, new space bodies are being discovered. In addition to the inventions and discoveries made by science and technology, it has made the human life full of comforts and luxuries, all kinds of entertaining mode are available at hand.

A very important aspect of advancement in the field of science and technology is the analytical reasoning and removal of various orthodox cal and superstitious beliefs thus enlightening the common people.


Science and technology has given the man power fit to be the God yet he could not as by vagaries of his mind. lust for becoming almighty, he has put the world at the threshold of ruin. The science and technology has done wonders in inventions of warheads, nuclear and atomic weapons, space warships thus putting the entire world at ruinous peril. A switch can destroy the whole world. We had seen the devastation and destruction caused by the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and now there are more scientific more accurate warheads available that can destroy the whole world w it hour. The invention of chemical weapons has also jeopardized the whole civilization that may put the humanity in danger of incurable diseases.

The rap id progress i n genet ic engineering can make it possible to develop clone of human beings the disastrous effect of such invention can ruin every fabric of morality, ethics and the civilization.

The fast development in science and technology has put the balance of nature in great danger. The present day. Air, water and noise, pollution, the gradual global warming, has put the existence of world at stake . With rapid industrialization particularly in developed countries has resulted into imbalance in ratio of carbon-di oxide and oxygen in the environment. As per the report of Hadley Centre U.K.. by 2050 the trees and soils will start falling and perishing due to Global waning if no corrective measures are taken.

In pursuit of materialistic prosperity, we have been going for more and more unplanned industrialization that has resulted not only air pollution but also water pollution. Rivers, the natural source of pure and hygienic water, now become so much contaminated that even the water creatures, fish, tortoise, etc. are at the verge of extinction. Forest are decaying gradually. many species of wild animals have become a matter of past. Undoubtedly science and technology has given the man, much luxury, comfort, material prosperity, but wealth and prosperity is not the 'be- all and end -all'

of human life. Is there any material benefit more precious than life and material loss more awful than death. The worst curse of advancement in science and technology is that man has started feeling himself Almightily and ignoring the spiritual and human values. The man has lost his peace of mind. The inner satisfaction, the value of ethics in the realm of new and newer advancement in science and technology. What purpose all the material and physical prosperity serve if we have no peace of mind, no inner satisfaction? In brief, science and technology has brought both good and evil to the present world. No invention or technological advancement is itself bad or good. it is the user who turns it into blessings or curse. Machines are created for the luxury and comfort of man, if we use them to destroy others, they become curse, otherwise machines arc blessings It is the man, who has to ponder over the question what he wish to make the world a heaven or a hell, it is his decision which makes the science and technology a 'blessing' or a 'curse'.



1. wondrous—remarkable, unusual, extraordinary. 2. forefathers—settlement, dependency, subject state. 3. equipment—material, materiel, tools, machinery. 4. invention— inventiveness. imagination. 5. seam—scarce, insufficient, meager. 6. bewildered— confused, puzzled perplexed- 7.   demerit—fault, mark against one, bad mark.

8. amazed—entranced,. fascinated. 9. Mind-boggling—hard lo comprehend; confusing. 10. shrank—contract, shrivel, shorten. 11. envying—jealousy, resentment, covetousness. 12. explore—search, investigate, traverse. 13- devastation—destruction. defoliation. 14. weapons—armament, armor, ammunition. 15. existence— being, living.

survival. 16. soils—dirt, loam, clay. 17. prosperity—accomplishment, victory, success! unless. 18. spiritual—refined, pure, holy. 19. awful—terrible, wretched, (disagreeable. 20. Almighty-invincible. all-powerful, mighty, supreme. 21. luxury— gratification, costliness, expansiveness


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