
Is The United Nation Redundant ?

Category : Essays

"The brutal, unabashed aggression on Iraq by the USA and l Britain, the co founding members of United Nations, has thrown to  ' wind the basic principles on which the United Nations was forwcd and rendered these organization monuments of no relevance."  

The preamble of United Nations Charter says, "We, the people of the United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.«' I twice in our life time has brought untold sorrow to mankind and..."

"To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the  humans in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small  and..

Not to talk of human rights of men and women, the basic reason for which the formation of United Nation's necessity was felt, that is to save the mankind from the scourge of war, was torn to pieces, by the aggression of USA and U.K., on the people.


'Might is Right':

Who can challenge or stop the wrong actions or doing superpower, the USA. Some calls USA ,the 'United States of Arrogance', but who cares' The USA and Britain very systematically used the various resolutions of United Nations to cripple the Iraq's military power, economic and social structural within covert aim to change the regime of Saddam Hussain.

 When Saddam Hussain captured and annexed Kuwait, the USA calyx blessed with the several UN's resolutions, liberated Kuwait with its military mix But after the Gulf war I, the USA's planning to change the regime of Saddam Hussain started taking shapes. There is no place for any provision to change the regime in a country in the charter of the United Nations. Who could stop the USA and Britain doing so? An ultimatum was served by Mr. Bush on Mr. Saddam and his sons to Iraq or face war within 4S hours. This ultimatum had no sanction of United Nation. All the appeal of the Secretary General were laid on deaf ears even the protest rnarol denouncing USA action by various countries were all in vain. Every country was silvery cautious words, as milldams possible words to lodge their protest against the action of the 'Superpower'.

USA first tried to get a resolution passed from the Security Council again Iraq. The other permanent and non permanent members of the Security Comic refused to oblige USA even this couldn't deter the USA and the U.K. from wage war against Iraq. USA and Britain had already made all out preparation for the aggression, started sending troops and aircraft carriers, bomber planes and bath ships to the strategic points. Even the reports of U.N. inspectors mentioned that the Iraqi officials were fully cooperating in their inspection work and asked for more tin to complete their inspection work, acted against the wishes of Mr. Bush to launch quick assault on Iraq. When USA and Britain failed to muster support of Security Council to get a resolution passed, (lie USA and Britain resorted to the subterfuge that the earlier resolutions passed by the Security Council did provide them a valid ground for launching an assault. The two countries, known champion of defending the democratic and human right values throughout the world, utterly discarded the very base of the United Nations by attacking Iraq, already peril shed due to many economic and financial solutions passed against it.

 The invaders proclaimed and propagated brazenly to use the weapons never Bed before in order to liberate the Iraqi people. In such attempt of liberation thousands of innocent civilians were killed and huge loss was caused to the Iraq's economic and ,'official infrastructure. The barbarity of the so-called war for 1 liberation of Iraq can only be compared to the savagery of the war fought during the period of Alexander the Great. What could have been done by the UNO, NAM? Where have gone the so called champions of Human Rights? None could prevent this war and the basic principles on which the United Nation was found were blown to winds. Every nation kept silence, just to see the outcome of the one sided war. Not a single voice was heard to call an emergency meeting of General Assembly to condemn the assault and to stop the war.

On March 19,2003, the U.N. Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan. did say that Iraq's essential infrastructure to provide basic necessities of clean water, health and education has totally devastated by two decades of war and conflict.

 More than one million Iraqi children suffer from chronic malnutrition. Iraqi families are totally dependent on the ration supplied each month to them. For more than half the population, this ration was the main source of sustenance. Mr. Annan stressed that it is the responsibilities of the USA and Britain to protect the civilians from being harmed in the war.

 A special meeting of U.N. Securily Council was convened on 27th March 2003, when the US led military action came in for severe criticism, questioning the legality of the action and Iraq calling it a barbaric aggression.

The hypocrisy of USA and Britain came to light when they asserted their right to destroy a country and then rebuild it on humanitarian ground. It amounts to breaking a sick person's limb and legs and then offering him artificial limb freely.

The US led aggression on Iraq has sent a message to every civilized country that neither UNO nor NAM or any such forum can save you from the whimsical aggression of the mighty powers. Unless country is itself powerful to face the challenges it is not safe. The basic principles of United Nations, the respect to the sovereignty of Nations, equality of Nations, are jus! Principles for the sake of goodness.

If the United Nations does not act strongly, or to say if the member nations do! not act united against such blatant aggressions, the fate of United Nations can'! b other than the fate of League of Nations. The United Nation has become simply a platform to discuss the general issues The main task for which United Nations was structured, has become irrelevant as superpowers want to discard it for their own benefits. The adage. Might is Right, iJ true even in this civilized world which has made the United Nations redundant so far the basic principles on which it was formed, are concerned.



I. scourge—punishment, penalty, infliction. 2. assault—an attack with weapons, B onslaught. 3. muster—to assemble, to summon. 4. savagery—cruelty, ferocity, in humanity. B 5. unabashed—undaunted, not disconcerted. 6. sustenance—livelihood, means of sustaining life. 7. subterfuge—excuse or expedient used to escape something unpleasant. 8. relevance—the relation of something’s to the matter at hand. 9. dignity—formally in bearing and appearance, self-respect. 10. regime—authorities, government. 11. assault—-attack, ravishment, violation. 12. propagated—transmit, diffuse, 13. weapons—a means of persuading or arguing, artilleries. 14. innocent—guiltily sinless. 15. liberation—discharge, dismissal. 16. aggression—the act of initial hostility. 17- sovereignties—government free from external control, reigns. 18, blatant- clamant, conspicuous.


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