
Cigarette Smoking

Category : Essays

Cigarette smoking is one of the major killers in the world. The biggest side affect from smoking is cancer. Cancer is a group of many related diseases. All forms of Cancer involve out-of-control growth and spread of abnormal cells. The risk of dying from lung cancer is 22 times higher for males, and 12 times higher for female smokers as oppose to non -smokers. Additionally, smokers are at an increased risk for cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, oesophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas. Smoking causes a five time increase in the risk of dying from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, and two times increase in deaths from diseases of the heart and coronary arteries. Smoking also increases the risk of stroke by 40-50% in men and 60% in women. Researchers have also proven that mothers who smoke during pregnancy or before they got pregnant usually give birth to babies with birth defects, who are premature or are underweight. This is probably because of a decrease in blood flow to the placenta.

The ways in which tobacco smoke affects the human body have been under extensive research and study for many years. Recent findings may explain why cigarettes are so addicting. An unknown component or part of tobacco smoke appears to destroy an important enzyme in the brain called monoamine oxsidase B (MOA B). The enzyme is essential in breaking down excess amounts of the chemical dopamine, a nerve cell messenger chemical and one that is involved in pleasure-seeking behaviour. Apparently smokers have low levels of MOA B and have exceptionally abnormal levels of dopamine, which most likely encourage the smoker to go for the more pleasure seeking things such as smoking, and sometimes experimenting with more mind- altering drugs.

Several studies over the years have suggested and have shown that cigarette smoking increases risk of leukaemia, as it does for other cancer prone areas. They say that risk may increase about thirty percent in active smokers. Smoking may cause adult leukaemia, especially myelocytic, or non-lymphocytic forms.

There is a boom in the popularity of smoking cigars. The health risks of cigar smoking are, again, ignored in this effort of making cigars look 'cool' or ' better than cigarettes'. But cigar smoking also increases the risk of several cancers, including cancer of the oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat), oesophagus, larynx, and lung. Cigar smoking may lie linked to the cancer of the pancreas as well. Daily cigar smoking, especially for people who inhale, also increases the risk of heart disease and a type of lung disease known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. Cigar tobacco has a high concentration of nitrogen compounds (nitrates and nitrites). Also, because the cigar paper isn't as porous as the cigarette paper, the tobacco doesn't burn as well. The result is a higher concentration of nitrogen oxides, ammonia, carbon monoxide and tar. They are all very harmful to the smoker and t0 the environment.         Withdrawal results in many side effects. Some of which include Irritability and anxiety. Emotional changes, such as irritability and anxiety, may be experienced as the body adjusts to surviving without the nicotine. These feelings become less intense as the body adjusts. A feeling of light- headedness and a feeling of disorientation may affect your concentration. The body is now receiving more oxygen than it is used to receiving, but in a few days it should return to normal. Muscular aches, pains and tingling sensations can happen because there is more oxygen than normal in the body, especially in the smaller blood vessels (fingers and toes). Light exercise will also help. Sometimes ex-smokers find that they have insomnia. This is because of the withdrawal from nicotine. After a week or two this should stop. Quitting can be stressful, so try to relieve the extra pressure by doing stress busting breathing exercises such as yoga, and try listening to relaxing music. Once the body is free of nicotine, it absorbs twice as much caffeine. It is best to avoid increasing coffee, tea and cola intake.

Using tobacco increases a woman's risk of chronic health problems and premature death. Women who smoke greatly increase their risk of heart attack and stroke. Tobacco use has a very damaging effect on a woman's entire body, causing pregnancy problems, early menopause and reduced fertility. A major cancer that affects the reproductive health is cervical cancer. Tobacco use during pregnancy often results in severe retardation.

When a cigarette is smoked, about one-half of the smoke generated is side stream smoke that comes from the burning cigarette between puffs. This side stream smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and toxic agents that have been identified in the main smoke inhaled by the smoker. The concentration is much higher in mainstream smoke as oppose to the smoke in side stream smoke. More than 4000 chemical compounds have been identified in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Many of these chemicals are toxic and several are carcinogenic or tumour initiators (substances that can result in changes in normal cells that can lead to cancer) and tumour promoters (substances that can lead to tumour growth once the cell changes begin). Tobacco smoke includes at least 43 different carcinogenic substances. Some of these compounds include: tar, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, phenols, ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene, nitrosamine, and nicotine.

The exposure of non-smokers to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is referred to as second hand smoke. Non- smokers who are exposed to ETS absorb just as much chemicals as mainstream smokers do. They don't receive them in such high concentrations, but even the littlest amount is enough to be fatal. ETS causes at least 3000 deaths clue to lung cancer in non-smokers. If there are family members in a household and they smoke, it is absorbed in the furniture and the surroundings and is always there so long as the members keep smoking. It is especially harmful for children, and senior citizens or pets, even if the smoking isn't done near them.


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