
The Right Path

Category : Essays

A thinking individual always makes an Endeavour to set a goal for himself in the society that he belongs to and then proceeds to achieve that goal in his lifetime.

And the way to achieve life's goal is through righteousness or the right path. The Rigveda emphasizes on following the path of righteousness while doing or pursuing one's duty. The Gita has said: "Life dedicated to duty is life fulfilled." But the stress is on the right means. The means should be good as well as the ends.

The Rigveda says: "May we walk on the path of righteousness following the glorious examples set by the sun and the moon. In order to have the strength to follow the right path, may we keep company of those who peacefully give and take, exchange views, follow the path of non-violence (not knowingly or deliberately hurting other living beings).

This ved mantra also encourages us to regularly give away a part of our income in charity. What we give comes back manifold to us. But this act should be performed quietly without showing off. That way it bears fruits. Danam or donation must always be given to deserving individuals and institutions.

Some individuals, in order to have better life hereafter, blindly donate a part of their income to the poor. It is one of the ways of doing good. Some good deeds yield results immediately, some give results later in life or beyond.

On the other hand, there are some who maim or disfigure children and force them to beg on the streets and at crossings—by doing so they try to arouse sympathy in the minds of the givers. It becomes a case of a profession where the means are not above board. And it is a case of misleading the cause of charity, cheating. Right danam should be encouraged to bear fruitful results.

The Vedic ahimsa caution man against hurting the sentiments of others and unnecessarily causing any physical harm. However, the Vedas have also emphasized that religion should not consist of rituals only but must become a way of life. The Vedas have repeatedly said that dharma has to be uphold by all means at one's disposal. In some circumstances, the use of force to uphold righteousness is not considered violence and is justified.

The company of saints and men and women ofexperience and wisdom who encourage free flow of ideas and nurture a spirit of intellectual liberation is an asset to an individual or a group. Rich dividends are bound to accrue.

One ought not believe that one's innate goodness would keep one away from harm even in the company of evil person. To follow the path of righteousness, a man has to keep the company of good people, after all a person is known by the company he keeps. This fact is also emphasised by the Vedas. If the company and environment are good, good results are bound to follow with the passage of time.

'The Eight-Fold Path or Middle Path of Buddha

1. Right speech;                           

2. Right action;

3. Right means of                        

4. Right extension,livelihood;

5. Right point of view;                

6. Right mindedness;

7. Right meditation;                    

8. Right resolution.

Four Ideals of Jainism

1. Ahimsa (non-violence)           

2. Satya (truth);

3. Asteya (non-stealing)             

4. Aparigraha (non-attachment or possession)


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