

Category : Essays

Introduction. God sent Adam with very few needs and strong Limbs to fulfill those needs. As time passed and civilization advanced, Man found himself more and more aloof from nature, lazy and Luxurious and utterly dependent on machines. And machines need Energy.

Increasing demand for energy. In the industrially advanced World of today, the demand for energy is increasing every day. We have machines and factories, buses, cars, trains and planes and ships and sub-marines. Energy is needed to run them- But this is not all. Man has grown so lazy that he does not like even to wind his watch. So energy is being used for running clocks and watches, typewriters, Shaving razors and many more things.

Sources energy. Wood later on coal was the first source of Energy. Then came oil and passing through the stage of atomic energy Man is now looking forward to solar energy.

Energy crisis is inevitable - We are naturally anxious because we know that a day may ultimately come when we have no more coal or Oil. It will mean energy crisis. People who have made careful Calculations feel that we will have used all available oil by the year 2025 and coal mines will also be empty in about thirty years. Man is on the Lookout for other sources of energy. Our present hope seems to rest On-nuclear power.

Dangers of Nuclear Power. But nuclear power is full of risks. It is very explosive. Accidents and mishaps in nuclear reactors are very hazardous. The radio-active wave from a nuclear plant that has broken down is a great threat in man. Moreover, when a nuclear Plant is dead after 50 years it has to be buried and guarded for ever.

Energy crisis in India. The world is thus faced with energy crisis the condition of India is no better. The demand for energy in India is growing. It is estimated that if things continue at this rate India will need four limes of energy by the year 20110- The Government of India Is taking steps to supply energy for non-commercial purposes from various sources such as bio-gas and quick-growing forest plantation but the rural poor are unable to pay the high cost of energy.

Scientists' efforts to overcome the energy crisis. Scientists all Over the world are trying to meet the challenge. They are trying to Harness solar, water and air reserves. Hydro electric power is cheaper, so are air mills. Solar energy too has bright hopes for man. However, is very expensive to establish the necessary infrastructure for lapping solar energy. Giant dishes are made to concentrate the sunlight on the Thermal generators which use this sunlight to produce energy.

Conclusion. Nevertheless, all possible efforts will have to be made to save us from total darkness and helplessness. Scientists are doing their hats hut the major responsibility rests with the politicians, because it is sometimes lock of political wills that hinders developments In every field. And what is equally important, man should use his Physical energy more and more instead of depending on machines for every purpose. 


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