
A Journey by a Blueline by Bus

Category : Essays

Travelling by a Blueline bus is an adventure for a youngman and a trying experience for an old man. Formerly, itwas only the fear of pick-pockets who could at the most liquidate one's pocket but in these changed times when terrorism is on the rise, travelling by a Blueline busamounts to inviting danger or even death to oneself.

Who knows there may be a bomb under the seat which could blow the entire bus to pieces? But there is no escape from it as one has to travel long distances to reach work places and these Blueline buses are the Cheapest mode of transport.

Ones had a bitter experience of a terrible journey by abluelinebus. As soon as I reached the bus stop, I saw a long queue of passengers waiting anxiously for buses. The buses which came were already packed to full.

After too much jostling and pushing when I was able to get into it, I thanked my stars. But my sorrows did not end here. I had to wrestle with other fellow passengers to move to the front and adjust somewhere along with others.

Human beings were huddled together like suitcases in a luggage van and everyone was perspiring.

Whenever any seat was vacated by any passenger,people jumped at it to occupy it but only a lucky person Used to get it after which he would look around with .a smiling face as if he had got the throne of a king.

Whenever the driver applied brakes, the passengers fellupon one another. There were scenes of quarrels anddisputes among men and women, which were wardedoff by clever people.

The conductor was asking the people to buy their ticketsand cautioning them to examine under seats for any bomb.

At the next stop, I got down the bus. In this way, mylong journey by the bus came to an end, and by the timeI reached my destination, I was tired and exhausted.My dress and shoes were spoiled but my limbs were at least intact.


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