
Stop Pushing But Motivate Children

Category : Editorial

Schools are neither good nor bad. Each school has its special mode of functioning. There is also a school to suit every child's needs, as parents are perceptive enough to seek out the strengths and weaknesses of the schools they want to admit their children to. Though no two schools are alike in every respect/ all schools have, and ought to have, the common educational aims. The preparation of children to be balanced, useful, good human beings, the all-round development of their abilities and potentials to the maximum possible, and preparing them in a planned manner to face life's all important challenges fearlessly. The educational aims and the philosophy in them sound too simple to be believed in by the man in the street, but not easy to achieve in a given period of time.

Some educationists ore of the opinion that children should learn to cope with the stresses and strains of a highly competitive world in which they live. Hence a certain amount of pressure coupled with a good dose of motivation will be needed to bring in the best academic achievement in our children. Once the children realise that a regimen of regular homework and preparation for tests will bring in greater, expected results and over-all success, half the problem of academic excellence is solved. For excellence in school and other areas will infuse into the children a satisfying sense and reword which in turn will spur them on to greater heights or excellence with the mild goading

and guidance of teachers and parents.

Many of the Commissions instituted by the Ministry of HRD advocated in strong terms that little children should not be too often subjected to the pressures of examinations. However, some form of continuous evaluation and assessment of the achievement and progress made by the children is valuable to estimate the progress - or lack of it – made in the teaching-learning process. For bigger students class examination must be true, objective evaluation processes whereby the students weaknesses can be detected and remedial measures taken Examinations are also effective means of evaluating how effective a teacher's teaching is .

Co-curricular as well as extra curricular activities must hove a prominent place in any school curriculum. Some schools seem to neglect sports and games to some extent, laying more stress on studies and higher marks. A balanced, total view of children and education and the prominent part the school has or ought to ploy should make our children into all-rounded personalities fit to face the future and the challenges it brings.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal:

if is the courage to continue that counts".


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