
Gifts or Bounties of Nature

Category : Essays

Everything that we see around - the hills, trees, plants, mountains, flowers, sun, moon. stars, clouds, bees, birds and animals constitute Nature. It is the greatest gift of God because it is this very Nature that sustains us. We cannot think of our existence without Nature. If man is the crowning glory of Nature, then Nature is the base of man's life and existence.

Nature is present before us wherever we turn our eyes. It is present in every colour, shade, hue, shape and size. The air we breathe, the land we live on, the vaulted sky above our heads make life possible on earth. There are countless species of flora as well as fauna.

Our seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds are teeming with infinite variety of fish and aquatic plants and other kinds of creatures. Deep underneath lies a whole world which is also yet not completely discovered. Moreover/ the store of precious stones underneath is also a great gift of nature.

On land, the variety in vegetation and the animal world is baffling. It changes with the change of climatic and atmospheric condition. The Coniferous trees of the snow-capped peak, the Deciduous forests, the thick Evergreen forests, the scanty vegetation and cacti of the dry deserts and the different kinds of grasslands – clothe this earth with a very colourful and lush green garment. The snow-covered high peaks, the fertile plains, the dry deserts with the ever-changing sand-dunes, the coastal areas with alluring sun-sets and beaches, and the vast expanse of grasslands all present us with a wonderful, picturesque and panoramic beauty.

There are different kinds of animals - big and small, reptiles, mammals, birds, insects and bees. One can spend all his life to see and know about them and yet he would be able to know only a fraction of this wide variety which Nature presents to us. We just have to keep our eyes open and our ears attentive if we want to enjoy these bounties of Nature—right from dawn when the earth resounds with the melodious symphony of birds chirping through the broad daylight to the twilight when the birds return home and the night gradually falls like a shroud over the dozing and tired earth to the first star that shines brightly and to the black sky that turns gradually into the diamond studded garment with the moon as its silver broach.

The green and healthy vegetables that we eat, the sweet and juicy fruits we relish, the grains, cereals and pulses are all obtained from this very Nature. It is this very Nature which sustains us and is the sole reason for our existence on this earth. We cannot thrive on this planet without the support of Nature. Therefore, we should be very careful in dealing with it. We cannot be careless and thoughtless.

Man is a part of this great ecology and it is our duty to save and maintain the desired balance in ecology. Nature has its own way to maintain the ecological balance and any disturbance in this cycle can cause infinite amount of disruption and harm. Man has to keep his greed in check if he wants to survive and let this planet be inhabited by mankind for ages to come.

Man should realize how gracious Mother Nature is to this planet. Earth is the only place where life exists and Nature is found in plenty and in its full bounty. He should learn to cherish this gift for his benefit and for the benefit of future generations, Man has to learn to use Nature and not misuse it. He can heedlessly exploit Nature without reaping the dangerous consequences of his own actions.

Children should be taught right from childhood to appreciate the beauty of Nature around them—the blossoms on the trees, the hopping birds, the gentle breeze etc so that when they grow up, their love and respect for Nature too grows deeper.

We should learn to appreciate the fragrance in spring, the rustling leaves in autumn, the cool showers in hot summer and the quiet winters. Only when we learn to love and respect the Nature, we can expect it to sustain the whole life and be kind to us.


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