
Character - Is it moulded by genes or by environment

Category : Editorial

Homo sapiens are not very much different from other species of creation. Crops and vegetables can be modified genetically. But whatever may be the seed, the soil climate and other environments, and the care taken by the farmer to water them in lime, add fertilisers and have good pest control and removing the weeds that stunt the growth of the plants-all contribute towards the healthy growth and yield of the crops and their quality. Recent studies in USA have shown that in a particular sample, certain genes of the persons who are very miser and those of the parents are the same. The parents are also found to be miser. Such characteristics are transmitted through parents.

Research is a powerful method for analysis. We have also seen how improper deductions from the same results can lead to absurd conclusions. In a particular study of the concentration of elements as a function of age by spectroscopic methods, the plot of age vs elements was a straight line passing from zero with  no upper limit!

Granted the results are correct - we never question experimental facts, the conclusions are shaky. In biology there was a long-ranging feud whether character is inherited or developed. Having no axe to grind, we can state the word or is wrong. It is and. Character is both inherited and developed.

In a proper atmosphere, children (whose genes we cannot control), can be moulded to any level by good teachers, parents, good atmosphere and having friends who share great ambitions.

In the study quoted earlier, the genes of the children will be those of parents, not only for those who are miser but also for the very generous or over generous!

This is elementary. Unless a large number of samples are studied - taking proper samples, any conclusion is not usable. Inherited good character will stand the test of lime only when the 'samples' are

 not put in a wrong field. Our literature is replete with examples of robbers and thieves changing overnight - in an instant into very great saints. The converse is also true.

For us, we don't care about your genes. You have the opportunity of being in great company - in the smallest villages or cities with more facilities – your companions are books. Read them, discuss with friends and teachers. Put a fence round yourself to keep off bad habits. You can be as great as you want to be.


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