

Category : Essays

In a country like India unemployment is a sheer wastage of manpower resources. Since Independence various new job opportunities have been created but these have not kept pace with the increasing number of employment-seekers. Problem of unemployment is becoming all the more serious each year.

So far the problem remains unsolved. It has led to frustration and crimes which hamper the progress of the country. There are various causes of unemployment. The galloping birthrate results in larger and larger proportion of job seekers everywhere. To add to it our system of education is not employment-oriented. The industries, establishments and other institutions seek suitable professionals. Science has replaced man by machinery, thus reducing the number of persons otherwise engaged for the job.

Rapid industrialization and neglect of small-scale industries have thrown many people out of job those who have the will and the knowledge to Begin a venture on their own, meet the drawback of lack of funds and finance. The faulty Manpower planning by the planners and administrators is also aggravating the problem.

The steps taken to solve the problem of unemployment through the years have not been satisfactory. As such India faces an acute problem of finding ways to provide employment to all those who are able and capable of working. A complete reorientation is required to deal with this problem.

The greatest need is the proper utilization of human re-sources by proper manpower palming. The education system must stress on Job- oriented or vocational training. Along with rapid industrialization proper encouragement must be given to small-scale or cottage industries.

The schemes of employment need due attention for successful outcome. Government aid and encouragement is required for the dynamic youth to start their own ventures. Apart from these there is a necessity to check the rapid growth of population in the country.

Suitable and proper employment opportunities ensure the happiness of the citizens of a prospering country. If the problem of unemployment is not dealt with seriously, it will become a threat some day.

A solution to this critical problem must be arrived at before it is too late. Only then can every man have a decent living and keep away from indulging in wrong activities.          


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