
The Wonders of Science

Category : Essays

It all began ages and ages ago when the savage and barbaric Man by chance created fire by striking two pieces of flint. Suddenly, he could do a lot many things - he could cook his food instead of eating it raw, heat water, keep animals and beasts away and melt metals. Then, as if destiny was kind one day, he discovered the wonderful wheel. After it there was no looking back, Man marched forward on k the road to civilization and development with confidence and power. The first thing that Man learnt to do was to conquer nature. He can now sail the vast oceans, fly in the air, travel underground, extract precious stones, metals, minerals and other useful products and do a lot more things.

With the passage of time, science took larger and bolder strides. There is practically nothing left untouched by science in this universe. Man has mastered all the elements of nature - land, sea, air and even space. Nothing is impossible or too far or beyond reach or a hurdle for science. Knowledge has turned out to be man's greatest asset in mastering and conquering the nature. The word 'Science' literally means 'knowledge'. It is this quest and thirst for knowledge and the curiosity of 1; man to know things beyond his reach that has resulted in his becoming the Lord of this planet. His never ending pursuit to unearth the reason behind every phenomenon has resulted in endless discoveries and inventions which have proved to be the great stepping stones in the progress of mankind.                      

Inventions like the Telephone, Radio, Television, Telegraph, Transistor, Aeroplane, Automobile, Steam Engine, Electricity, Wireless, Telescope, Microscope etc have changed man's life forever. There have been inventions and discoveries in all aspects of life. Science has worked greater miracles in the field of health and medicine. Science has been the greatest weapon in Man's battle against diseases of various kinds. Penicillin, Streptomycin, Radium and X-Rays have turned out to be great blessings. Discovery of bacteria, virus, fungi etc have helped in knowing the causes of diseases, which in turn have helped to find a cure for them. Vaccination is a miracle in the field of science.

The discovery of atom and its structure has been one of the most remarkable discoveries made by Man. The quantum theory, the electricity along with the great findings of Einstein, Neils Bohr etc, have revolutionized the world of science forever. Man has learnt the splitting of atom, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, the knowledge of which has placed infinite power in his hands. This knowledge—if used constructively-can prove very useful for Man. Man has even transcended his boundaries of space. The moon has been conquered years ago and now man is busy exploring other planets to lead him into other horizons.

Computer and Information Technology are the latest revolutions in the field of science. With the coming of mobiles, internet, web conferencing etc, the world has shrunk down into a cyber village where time and distance have no meaning or at least are no barriers. Fields like physics, chemistry, bio-chemistry, plasma research, embryology, genetic engineering, astronomy, aeronautics etc have endless unexploited potential of taking mankind even to greater heights than ever. Who can forget the making of the first clone, or the birth of the first test-tube baby, or the first heart-transplant or the separation of two physically linked twins? All these are nothing but wonders and miracles of science.

Technology is on a rise every day. Each new day brings better technology with it. But we should learn to use our knowledge constructively. Only constructive use of science can guarantee the continuation of mankind on this earth. Moreover, it is the Man who is the generator, creator and inventor of all this knowledge and technology. However, we should be warned of becoming slaves to our own creations and inventions. Only then can science be a blessing and a miracle. Science, if used for the betterment of mankind and society, can bring about changes in our lives by making it better, comfortable and worthwhile.


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