
The Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine

Category : Editorial

This year's Nobel Prizes were won by Prof. Martin J. Evans, professor of genetics from Britain, Prof. Mario Capeechi from U.S. and Prof. Oliver Smithies, also from U.S. Capeechi's work is uncovering the roles of genes in organ development in mammals. His work is in identifying the causes of several human hereditary malformations.

By the technique of gene targeting, Evans and Smithies could identify the genes responsible for a particular disease and then "knock out" these genes. Particular genes could also be introduced into the system by E.C. cells (Embryonic carcinoma cells) from mice. These are derived by homologous recombination. Identification of genes (hundreds of them) responsible for a particular growth or disease, using EC cells as vehicles to carry information, knock-out the bad genes and introduce new ones and to find out therapy for the diseased genes - all these work have been individually studied independently by these scientists. The cause of genetic variation was studied by Prof. Joshua Lederberg (1958 Nobel Prize).

The work of all the three scientists converged to solve the unsolvable problems, working apparently independently but in fact they represented the collective will of the world to solve the problems, not yet solved.

Medicines and methods has come a long way. Identification of medicines by formula i.e., at the molecular level was the first step. External application, oral administration of medicine, intravenous injections to put the medicines in the blood itself, changing marrows to save people from radiation damages and surgery and replacement of parts, and at last, to go to the fundamental roots of identification, modification and knocking out the rogue genes by injecting cells, introducing genes to cure the very hereditary diseases, by the genes which change the heredity itself - these are achievements from one level to another.

We salute the noble winners and congratulate them and the Nobel committee of Sweden for their work of identification, motivation and recognition of excellence in every sphere.


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