
Education Starts At Home

Category : Essays

Some parents think that once their children are at school, they can relax and let the education system take control. But this isnot the case at all. As research shows, parents have an even greater influence on their children's academic results than theschool does. Most of a child's ability to communicate, to relate to teachers and peers and their attitude to learning, is formedfrom home. Parents can help give their children a head start, by beginning their education at home. Many parents don't realize how they can help their children at home. Things as simple as baking a cake with their children can help them with their education.

Measuring out ingredients for a cake is a simple form of maths. Another example of helping young children with their maths is simply planning a birthday party. They have to decidehow many people to invite, how many invitations they will need how much the stamps will cost, how many prizes, bags, cups, plates, and balloons need to be bought, and so on. Children often find that real life experiences help them to do their maths more easily.

Another way that parents can help their children with their maths is to give them pocket money. It does not have to be a large amount and they may have to do chores to earn it. This not only teaches them about the value of money but theymay need to use basic maths to work out how long they willhave to save to buy the special toy that they want. This meansthat children are developing their money sense, as well astheir math's skills. Reading to children at an early age cangive them a head start when they start school. But parentsshould not stop reading to children when they do start goingto school.

They still like to be read to and it can help to increasetheir sight vocabulary as well. Parents can also help theirchildren with their reading skills by providing them withreading opportunities. Parents can read their children books, signs, magazines-or anything else that interests them. Teachingchildren the alphabet whilst they are young, can also helpthem with their spelling and reading. Providing children withthe right equipment can help with their education. Giving thema quiet place where they can work, read and do homework, with a good reading light and a comfortable chair and desk, are just some of these things.

Parents can also help their children by providing themwith some reference books and any other relevant learningmaterial they might need. There are many ways that parentscan help their children with their oral communication skills.Some of these include letting their child answer the phoneand order food and participate in family conversation and informal conversation with neighbours so that they canexperience all different situations where different types ofspeech are used.

It is important to encourage good speech and parentsshould do this by using correct speech themselves and helpingtheir children when they say something incorrectly. Parentscan help with society and environment in a number of differentways. For example, they can show their children how the scaleand legends on a road map help you to determine your route.

Parents can also help their children with finding informationfor assignments but they have to make sure that they do notdo the assignments for them.

Science is everywhere around us and helping children withthis subject can be very easy for parents. Pointing out floraand fauna in the garden for example is giving children a headstart in their education. The fridge, TV, air-conditioner andcomputer are all related to science in one way or another andteaching young children about these things and of course manyothers, can help to develop their scientific minds.

Health starts from an early age and teaching children basicthings at home can help them when they start to go to school.Parents can teach their children about food, exercise and restand this will help them with health, as these things are relatedto it. Parents can also teach their children the importance ofsafety rules, hand washing, and caring for teeth, all of whichare increasing their knowledge of the topic. So if parents wanttheir children to do well at school, they must be prepared tohelp educate their children at home.


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